Monday, July 30, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Joins Democratic Leadership In Pushing GOP Leaders On Looming Sequester Cuts

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson joined other Senior Democrats in pushing GOP leaders to replace the looming sequester cuts with a bipartisan bargain on deficit reduction.

In a letter sent to Speaker Boehner and all the GOP committee heads, Congresswoman Johnson and her fellow lawmakers urged the Republicans to start 'immediate negotiations' on 'a balanced deficit reduction plan' that would prevent automatic sequester cuts from taking effect next year.

The letter read, "We all agree that a sequester starting in January 2013 is not in the country's best interest and is not the best way to assure responsible deficit reduction, the American people want us to work together to avoid unnecessary economic uncertainty at this crucial time in our recovery..... Failure to reach an agreement would have devastating consequences for our economy, small business and the middle class."

Congresswoman Johnson Speaks At St Mary's College, Educating Tomorrow's Global Women Leader's Program

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson spoke with students from Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Mongolia, and Burma, as well students from St. Mary’s College during the Educating Tomorrow’s Global Women Leaders program. The initiative was hosted by St. Mary’s College. 
Congresswoman Johnson has been a leading voice on Women's Rights throughout her career in public service. She continues to work to empower young women from around the world to take on leadership roles and serve their communities and countries.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Eddie Bernice Johnson on War and Peace....

"We can't go all over the world killing people because we disagree with them." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Holds Hearing on Drought, and Emphasizes The Need to Better Understand Climate Change’s Role

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and  the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a legislative hearing to examine the state of drought forecasting, monitoring, and decision making and the role of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS).  The Committee also discussed draft legislation to reauthorize the NIDIS Act of 2006.  Testifying before the Committee were:  Director of NOAA's National Integrated Drought Information System, Dr.Roger S. Pulwarty; Oklahoma Water Resources Board Executive Director, Mr. J.D. Strong; University of California at Irvine Professor, Dr. James Famiglietti; City of Indianapolis Mayor, Mr. Gregory Ballard; and Maryland Farm Bureau President, Ms. Patricia Langenfelder.

Congresswoman Johnson and her fellow Democratic Members expressed concern over the extreme drought conditions that are afflicting large parts of the U.S. and stressed the critical role of NIDIS in understanding drought and its impacts.  In addition, Democratic Members highlighted the importance of considering the role of climate change when discussing drought, the increased need for proactive water management and planning, and the need for the development of better prediction and forecasting models.

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson said in her opening statement, “In my own home State of Texas, over the last few years, scant rainfall and high temperatures have conspired to wreak havoc on the economy…Given the potential for massive economic damage, we need to recognize droughts for what they are – an extreme weather event – and design policies accordingly…Just as we design policies, programs and infrastructure to make predictions and limit the impacts of other extreme weather events, we should strengthen our capacity to do the same for droughts.  One tool at our disposal is NOAA’s NIDIS program.  In its six years of existence, NIDIS has already provided important seasonal and long-term drought information that has aided countless communities in preparing for and mitigating the impacts of drought.” 

“We cannot have a comprehensive approach to drought research and mitigation without exploring the potential linkages with a changing global climate.  While I will be the first to urge caution in jumping to conclusions about the present-day impacts of a warming planet, I know that climatologists around the world are coming to a much better understanding of this complex relationship.  We should leave the science to the scientists.  To play politics and categorically deny the linkage between climate change and extreme weather is both irrational and irresponsible.  Policymakers at every level have a duty to protect public welfare, and ignoring the realities of climate change simply leaves us less-informed and ill-prepared for catastrophic events such as droughts and floods,” said Congresswoman Johnson.
Congresswoman Johnson went on to say after the hearing, “The NIDIS program is an essential part of understanding and preparing for drought.  The witnesses’ testimony will be helpful as we prepare to reauthorize the NIDIS Act of 2006 and seek to make NIDIS a more effective and useful system.”

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson On BET Network's 'The Congressional Confidential Series'

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson recently filmed with BET Network for their new show "The Congressional Confidential Series." 

Congresswoman Johnson spoke  about her extraordinary life of public service, the importance of the Congressional Black Caucus and about the need to improve S.T.E.M. education if the United States is to remain competitive.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Issues Statement on the Passing of Dr. Sally Ride

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space & Technology,  issued the following statement after hearing that Dr. Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, had died.

"I am profoundly saddened to hear of the passing of Dr. Sally Ride. She was inspiration to all of us, especially young women. Beyond her work at NASA, she provided distinguished service on a number of important national advisory commissions. At the same time, I believe one of her most lasting influences was through the work she did to interest our young girls in science and technology. My thoughts and prayers are with her family."

Congresswoman Johnson Hosts A Telephone Town-Hall Meeting Focusing On The Affordable Healthcare Act

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson recently held a telephone town-hall meeting to answer constituent questions about the affordable healthcare act.

"I would like to thank the 6500+ plus constituents that were on the telephone town-hall tonight. I appreciate all of the participants, all the questions that you asked, and all those that just listened in. I am sorry I was not able to address every question, but I am here to serve you. If you have any specific questions or specific issues or casework, please contact my Dallas office at 214-922-8885. Any other questions also feel free to call my D.C. office at 202-225-8885. And again, for more answers about the Affordable Care Act and what it means to YOU... simply go to As Always, it is my honor and pleasure to serve the constituents of the 30th district of Texas."

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Introduces Two Bills To Invest In Water Resources and Create A White House Intitive On Water Policy

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has introduced legislation to require $300 million in new federal research into the energy-water nexus and to create a new White House initiative on water policy.
“Water availability and quality are essential for public health and a strong economy,” Rep. Johnson said in introducing her legislation on the House floor. “But demands for and threats to these resources are growing.”
“Whether it is billions of dollars in lost revenue for our agricultural sector or reduced electric reliability due to low cooling water supplies for power plans, the country is already feeling the impacts of reduced water availability and quality,” she added.
Her proposals are contained in two bills, both of which were immediately referred to the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.
One measure, The Energy and Water Research Integration Act of 2012 (H.R. 5827) focuses attention on the energy-water nexus — the energy required to provide reliable water supplies and the water required to provide reliable energy supplies.  The legislation would direct the Secretary of Energy to include water considerations in the Energy Department’s energy research and to minimize freshwater withdrawal and consumption, increase water use efficiency, and utilize nontraditional water sources.
The legislation would authorize $300 million over five years for this research and an additional $10 million to fund a new Energy-Water Architecture Council to help coordinate and promote better energy and water data collection.
The second bill, The Coordinating Water Research for a Clean Water Future Act of 2012 (H.R. 5826) would elevate the importance of water research by creating a National Water Research and Development Initiative at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The goal is to increase the federal government’s role in coordinating federal water research activities to identify and address changes in water use, quality, supply, and demand.
“We applaud Rep. Johnson’s efforts to address crucial issues of water use, particularly regarding the important energy-water nexus,” said Mary Ann Dickinson, president and CEO of the Alliance for Water Efficiency.  “The relationship and interdependence of water and energy are all too often forgotten in research and policy decisions.”
Congresswoman Johnson is the Former Chair of the House Subcommittee On Water Resources and the Environment, she is also the author of the landmark Water Resources Development Act of 2007.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Congratulates Friends of the Dallas Public Library For Receiving The National Endowment For The Arts Grant

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)recently announced a $15,000 grant for the Friends of the Dallas Public Library through the agency’s “Big Read” initiative, which is designed to “restore reading to the center of American culture.” The funds will enable the library to host Big Read projects, where people can come together to explore literature from the United States and around the world. The Friends of the Dallas Public Library will use these funds for the reading of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

“Promoting literacy is absolutely critical for our youth, and the Big Read initiative will help to spur interest among our Nation’s children and their families,” Congresswoman Johnson said. “I am pleased to see these funds going towards such an important cause here in Dallas.”

The NEA Big Read grant will go to 78 organizations across 30 states, totaling $1 million.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Introduces Legislation To Create Forensic-Science Standards To Prevent Wrongful Convictions

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Senator Jay Rockefeller have introduced legislation that would establish Federal Grants to help create forensic-science standards, in an effort to help reduce wrongful convictions based on flawed forensic results.

“To ensure justice is being served, we want law enforcement and forensic practitioners to work alongside scientists and researchers to make sure that forensic evidence stands up to scientific rigor,” said Congresswoman Johnson .

The Forensic Science and Standards Act would provide $200 Million over the next 5 years in grants to boost forensic science research, and nearly $100 Million in that same period that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) would use to develop standards in the field.

Congresswoman Johnson Signs The Petition Opposing Defense of Marriage Act

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has signed a brief to the Supreme Court opposing the Defense of Marriage Act (widely known as DOMA) .
Congresswoman Johnson was one of only four of the state’s nine Democratic House members joined the “friends of the court” brief. other members joining  were Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston, Lloyd Doggett of Austin, Charlie Gonzalez of San Antonio.
As expected, none of the Texas Republicans were among the 130 signers of the brief. 
The Supreme Court is deciding the case of Karen Golinski v. Office of Personnel Management, a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act.
The brief exercises the view that gay men and lesbians are an “identifiable minority group,” and that “Congress’s treatment of gay men and lesbians illustrates that this group has been unable to prevent harmful laws or achieve desired policy results that directly impact their lives.”
President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder came to the conclusion last year that Section 3 of DOMA is unconstitutional, and announced the Department of Justice would stop defending it in specific court cases.
“Gay men and lesbians are a historically disfavored minority that has often been targeted for legislative action based on stereotypes and bias, making it inappropriate for courts to grant laws like DOMA the same presumption of validity afforded to most acts of Congress,” the petition states.
Congresswoman Johnson is an original co-sponsor of the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, and a member of the House LGBT Equality Caucus.

Congresswoman Johnson, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Reacts to NOAA’s “2011 State of the Climate” Report

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), in coordination with the American Meteorological Society (AMS), released the “2011 State of the Climate” report that details global climate indicators, notable weather events, and other data collected by environmental monitoring stations and instruments on land, sea, ice, and sky.  It includes details on a number of extreme weather events such as the deadly tornado outbreaks in the U.S. and the extreme drought in Texas.  Also released was an article published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society that examines the potential linkages between climate change and the extreme weather events of 2011.
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Ranking Member on the House Committee on Science, Space & Technology,  said, “I welcome the release of the ‘2011 State of the Climate’ report.  It provides a comprehensive set of climate and weather data that illuminates the significant climate change trends occurring around the globe.  This report highlights the importance of continuing the nation’s investment in climate and weather research and monitoring.”
The peer-reviewed report was compiled by 378 scientists from 48 countries.  It used 43 climate indicators to track and identify changes and overall trends to the global climate system, such as greenhouse gas concentrations, cloud cover, and sea level rise.  Each indicator includes thousands of measurements from multiple independent datasets.  Highlights from the report include that warm temperature trends continue; greenhouse gases continue to rise; arctic sea ice has been below average since 2001; ozone concentrations are at their lowest since records began in 1979; and sea surface temperature and ocean heat content both rose.
“The report released Tuesday provides a clear reminder that we need a better understanding of both the global climate and the type of extreme weather we experienced in 2011, including the severe drought we suffered in my own state of Texas.  As last week’s storms demonstrated, we continue to face such extreme events.  From the deadliest tornado year in more than half a century, to the unprecedented heat wave this month, we have been facing severe, life-threatening, and record-breaking weather events across the country at what seems to be an increasing rate.  We need to redouble our efforts to determine the extent to which climate change may also be contributing to the extreme weather events that have been occurring globally,” added Congresswoman Johnson.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Congresswomen Johnson Addresses Violence Against the Homeless

Congresswoman Johnson , the Congressional Caucus on Homelessness, and the National Coalition for the Homeless, hosted a briefing on violence against the homeless. The goal of the briefing was to raise awareness about the violence facing homeless men, women, children, veterans, elderly, and the disabled.

“Protecting some of the most vulnerable people in this Nation should be a top priority of this Congress,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “Raising awareness is just one component of finding a comprehensive solution to that not only protects the homeless from violence, but also reduces the total number of people living on the streets.”

The panel included experts from the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, law enforcement, a former victim of violence.

Congresswoman Johnson is one of four co-founders and co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Homelessness. Congresswoman Johnson has also authored legislation to include hate crimes against homeless individuals in the uniform hate crimes statistics collected by the Department of Justice. The bill has been referred to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

Congresswoman Johnson Joins MSNBC's Martin Bashir To Discuss Republicans Pursuit Of Voter ID Laws

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson joined MSNBC's Martin Bashir and chastises Republicans for pursuing Voter ID laws for the primary purpose of defeating President Obama.

MB: good afternoon.

EBJ: good afternoon.
MB: lawmakers in texas must know that up to 25% of african-americans in this country do not have access to a valid form of i.d. and given that there are investigations intovoter fraud produced virtually no evidence whatsoever, is this law simply designed to disenfranchise black and other minorities?
EBJ: well, indeed it is. we all recognize it is astonishing that there can be stories to deny it. we all know if you have lived  as long as i have or less, you know that if your skin is black or brown or you have a spanish is your name, the -- conservatives would rather you not vote. and it is coming up this year when we have president obama is up for re-election and when you look at how he got elected and he was truly elected, not selected the way the previous president was, you could tell that young people voted heavier than ever before. they are going after the college aged kids to make sure they cannot use college i.d. with a picture and making it difficult for them to even vote and the seniors, people 45 to 85, vote heavily and voted heavily. they are going after them. and for us to try to act as if we don't recognize this shows that we don't know what is going on. the interesting thing is that they do not expect us to acknowledge and recognize most of us have been through this before.
MB: yes.
EBJ: we have known about jim crowe in this country.
MB: mitt romney never mentioned voter suppression , voter i.d. or even the mits of voter fraud today. could it be that he agrees with the republicans' state representative from pennsylvania who said this? listen to this, ma'am.
Video of Republican State Rep: voter i.d., which is going to allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania , done.
MB: that's an outrageous admission and disgraceful and yet it would appear mr. romney rather likes that.
EBJ: yes, it is an honest assessment. it is very clear why they are doing this now. they do not want president obama to win re-election. and it is so ironic that this has been a civil rights fight all of my existence in this country. and yet, today, the 21st century , we are still fighting poll tax. had get it, give it to us by charging us to vote or passing some kind of unconscionable test, or they are putting it out you have to have a very strictly identifiable voter i.d. and you can have a driver's license but if you are on a college campus that address is not there, it is not valid. so they are trying to make sure that young people and minorities do not vote. and just as simple as that for it to be any other explanation, it has taken all of the rest of us who are affected by this as fools.
MB: yes. i want to play for you what mitt romney said on where else but fox news a short time ago in response to his being booed and at his mention of wanting to end the affordable care act , he was speaking before the naacp . take a listen.
Video of Mitt Romney: we expected that, of course. you know, i'm going to give the same message to the naacp that i give across the country which is that obamacare is killing jobs.
MB: the implication of that answer, if i may suggest it to you, ma'am, is that he went to the naacp in order to provoke that kind of reaction. he knew it was coming. that's what he just said.
EBJ: you know, the interesting thing is romney does not even know who he is. he changes with every audience. it is so interesting he would try to be bold enough to present this as a sound idea when he was governor, he was one of the few states that brought up and made sure that a law of this sort was passed. now it is the worst thing that ever happened. let me tell you, you can talk about it killing jobs. i don't believe it for any type of chance. pit also -- keeps from killing people. people can survive with health care . and everybody born needs health care .
MB: congresswoman johnson from texas , thank you so much.
EBJ: thank you very much.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Introduces Legislation to Help American Manufacturers Remain Competitive

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson recently introduced H.R. 6081, the Advancing Innovative Manufacturing (AIM) Act of 2012, to accelerate research, development, and innovation in advanced manufacturing and improve the competitiveness of American manufacturers. 

The legislation is part of the House Democrats’ “Make It In America” agenda, a plan to support job creation today and in the future by encouraging businesses to make products and innovate in the U.S. and sell to the rest of the world.

Congresswoman Johnson said, “American manufacturing is a critical part of our economy, employing more than 11 million Americans in high-paying jobs, accounting for 60 percent of all U.S. exports, and contributing over $1.7 trillion to the Nation’s gross domestic product in 2010.”

She continued, “The AIM Act of 2012 will help to ensure our manufacturing sector is the most sophisticated and innovative in the world, using the newest transformative technologies and the most efficient methods and processes.  By doing this, we can regain our global leadership in manufacturing, create jobs, and increase our national security. The challenges facing U.S. manufacturers are urgent.  This bill will improve our competitive position in advanced manufacturing and ensure that the U.S. manufacturing sector has a vibrant and robust future.”

Nearly 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been added to the economy since 2010, which is the first time there has been an increase in manufacturing employment since the 1990s.  Unfortunately, however, the U.S. manufacturing sector is facing a number of significant challenges.  According to the Council on Competitiveness, the United States currently ranks fourth in global manufacturing competitiveness and is expected to fall to fifth place in five years.   Additionally, countries such as Korea, Japan, and Germany have a larger share of the advanced manufacturing sector than the United States and each of these countries has a positive trade balance in advanced manufacturing products.  In contrast, the United States had an $81 billion dollar trade deficit in 2010.  At the same time, manufacturing activity has rapidly increased in emerging economies such as China.

To ensure that the United States is the global leader in advanced manufacturing, the AIM Act of 2012:

  • Establishes a program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST) to foster the creation of public-private research consortia – composed of representatives from private industry, government, and universities – focused on identifying the long-term, critical precompetitive manufacturing-related research needs of particular industry sectors; develop research roadmaps; and share the cost of conducting the identified research. 
  • Creates a pilot program at NIST for small and medium-sized manufacturers to conduct research and development (R&D); explore the technological potential of a concept; and position them to successfully commercialize the new product, process, or technology.
  • Establishes a pilot program at the Department of Commerce to provide small and medium-sized manufacturers with vouchers to acquire R&D or innovation expertise to enable them to be more competitive. 
  • Authorizes a grant program at the National Science Foundation to provide funding to community colleges to reform and expand advanced manufacturing education through activities such as the development of curriculum, faculty professional development, and the establishment of advanced manufacturing centers that will serve as models and provide leadership in advanced manufacturing education.  

Congresswoman Johnson Discusses The Passage Of The Transportation Bill and Student Loan Relief

The Dallas Weekly published the following op ed by Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson in which she discusses the passage of the Transportation Bill and Student Loan Relief:
"On Friday, June 29th, 2012, Congress worked against the clock in an increasingly rare form of bipartisanship and passed a $105 billion transportation bill known as the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP -21). The House of Representatives and the Senate briefly came together to prevent student loan interest rates from doubling and to reauthorize infrastructure policy, which will create and save millions of jobs. As the Senior Texan on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and conferee to the bill, my top priority was to shape the legislation in order to provide benefits for Texas.
This Act directly benefits Texas for a number of reasons. Over 400,000 Texas students will receive relief from impending student loan interest rates. In Texas and all across the country, students and recent college graduates are now facing the highest unemployment rate of any other group. Without action, the loan rates for 7.4 million college students would have doubled, adding $6.3 billion to students’ debt burden in one year alone. This bill not only provides relief for Texas students, but allows for a plan to make our highways and roadways safer.
In terms of transportation dollars, Texas will receive more than $3 billion annually in highway formula funds. In addition to highway spending, funding for mass transit is critical for the 30th district and the entire state. Transit funding is essential as we work to develop solutions to alleviate congestion and alternative modes of transportation to accommodate such a growing population.
Texas has also been very successful in utilizing Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) funding, and will continue to benefit under this bill, which increases funding for the TIFIA program to $750 million for FY 2013 and to $1 billion for FY 2014. The bill also increases the maximum share of project costs that can be funded through the TIFIA program from 33 percent to 49 percent.
Most importantly, transportation reauthorization will provide stimulus to local economies, and get those in the construction and manufacturing industries back to work. Over 2 million jobs will be created or saved across the Nation. The bill will also make key reforms in consolidating transportation programs, cut red tape, and leverage federal resources to expand public-private partnerships in transportation. The Texas Department of Transportation, local transit agencies, and contractors will now receive much-needed certainty as they plan transportation projects.
I recognize that the long-term viability of our transportation system requires a continued commitment to quality research and the development of new transportation technologies and materials that will make our transportation infrastructure – and the vehicles traveling on that infrastructure – safer, stronger, and more sustainable.
It is my hope that moving forward we can look at this legislation as a model of what can be accomplished by seeking bipartisan, bicameral common ground."

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Eddie Bernice Johnson on Women's Issues....

"All issues are women's issues - and there are several that are just women's business." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Monday, July 2, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Applauds DART's Receipt of $1.239 M for Transportation Services for Veterans

The Department of Transportation recently announced a $1.239 million grant for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit System (DART) through the agency’s Veterans Transportation and Community Living Initiative Program.  This competitively-awarded grant will offer opportunities to connect veterans to valuable services through a single, consolidated repository of information. 

“I applaud DART’s efforts to successfully pursue this grant.  This effort, funded in part by DART and the North Central Texas Council of Governments, exemplifies how the North Texas region cares about our veterans, and has a long-range vision for coordination of community transportation resources,” stated Congresswoman Johnson. 

"We appreciate Congresswoman Johnson's continued support and the opportunity to find new ways to support veterans," stated Gary Thomas , President/Executive Director of Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART).

The DART service area consists of 13 cities: Addison, Carrollton, Cockrell Hill, Dallas, Farmers Branch, Garland, Glenn Heights, Highland Park, Irving, Plano, Richardson, Rowlett, and University Park.