Thursday, June 28, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's Statement on the Supreme Court’s Decision to Uphold the Affordable Care Act

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson released the following statement after the Supreme Court ruled the Affordable Care Act constitutional:

“The Supreme Court ruling is a victory for the American people and a defining moment for our country.  The Affordable Care Act is already benefiting Texans.  In the Act’s first year alone, Texans saved more than $1.3 million in health care costs, an average of $639.36 per beneficiary.  In my district, 18,000 children and 80,000 adults now have health insurance that covers preventive services without paying any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductibles." 

"By 2014, 181,000 residents who now lack health care coverage will have access to affordable coverage for the first time, and everyone in the 30th district will be protected from discrimination by insurers based on a preexisting health condition.  Texas has the highest number of uninsured in the entire Nation. With full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Texas will hopefully no longer lead the Nation in uninsured individuals."  

"As a non-practicing registered nurse, I understand first-hand how important this ruling is to women, children, families and seniors. Americans will benefit from lower health care and prescription drug costs, insurance companies will be held accountable, and millions of Americans will have the opportunity to receive quality and affordable health care."  

"It has taken most of my lifetime for the enactment of a comprehensive and inclusive form of health care. I am proud to stand with my colleagues and the President to support a system that provides security, accountability, and peace of mind to the people whom we serve. The American people now have the security of knowing that their health care system has the ability to move forward, by providing this right for all and not for the select few."