Saturday, June 23, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's LGBT Pride Month Message - June 2012

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson delivered the following remarks in a message observing National LGBT Pride Month, “This month marks the 43 anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, an event largely regarded as the birth of the modern LGBT movement for civil rights in the United States. Since then enormous advancements in gay rights have been made including the passage of the Matthew Shepard & James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. These laws strengthen our commitment to value every American life equally, both publically and privately. The law of the land must protect every American’s Civil Rights, and we must continue to value every American life in law and in practice. As a stand against intolerance, I am a proud member of the LGBT Equality Caucus. I will continue to promote sensible legislation in Washington that ensures a more unified fight against discrimination and intolerance. While great progress has been made more work needs to be done. As a Member of Congress I will continue to work in pursuit of equal rights for all.”

Congresswoman Johnson has been a tireless advocate for the LGBT community in the fight for civil rights and is an original co-sponsor of the repeal of both 'Don't Ask Don't Tell" and the Defense of Marriage Act. Congresswoman Johnson is an original cosponsor of the Employment Non Discrimination Act and is an original co author of The Matthew Shepard & James Bryd Hate Crimes Prevention Act.