Saturday, June 30, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's Statement In Response To Attorney General Holder Being Found In Contempt By The GOP Congress

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson issued the following statement in response to Attorney General Eric Holder being found in contempt by the GOP Congress.

“The GOP-led Congress voted 255 to 67 to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for failing to cooperate with the gun tracking operation “Fast and Furious.” No  cabinet member has ever been held in contempt in the entire history of the United States Congress .  This afternoon’s vote was nothing more than a politically-charged effort to embarrass the Administration in the midst of a contentious election.
The Attorney General has already submitted nearly 8,000 documents to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and has demonstrated a continued willingness to cooperate with the Oversight Committee in its investigation."

"Unfortunately, House Republicans do not share the willingness to cooperate, and instead have resorted to radical and unprecedented measures in order to achieve their ulterior motive. Republicans efforts have been so flawed that Democratic members of the Oversight Committee have identified one hundred errors, omissions, and mischaracterizations in the contempt resolution itself and the corresponding Committee report."

"We cannot allow the oversight role of Congress and the powers at its disposal, to be seized for political gain. For the sake of the integrity of our democracy and this institution, we must resist efforts to undermine the legitimate use of Congressional power; we owe nothing less to the American people."

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's Statement on the Supreme Court’s Decision to Uphold the Affordable Care Act

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson released the following statement after the Supreme Court ruled the Affordable Care Act constitutional:

“The Supreme Court ruling is a victory for the American people and a defining moment for our country.  The Affordable Care Act is already benefiting Texans.  In the Act’s first year alone, Texans saved more than $1.3 million in health care costs, an average of $639.36 per beneficiary.  In my district, 18,000 children and 80,000 adults now have health insurance that covers preventive services without paying any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductibles." 

"By 2014, 181,000 residents who now lack health care coverage will have access to affordable coverage for the first time, and everyone in the 30th district will be protected from discrimination by insurers based on a preexisting health condition.  Texas has the highest number of uninsured in the entire Nation. With full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Texas will hopefully no longer lead the Nation in uninsured individuals."  

"As a non-practicing registered nurse, I understand first-hand how important this ruling is to women, children, families and seniors. Americans will benefit from lower health care and prescription drug costs, insurance companies will be held accountable, and millions of Americans will have the opportunity to receive quality and affordable health care."  

"It has taken most of my lifetime for the enactment of a comprehensive and inclusive form of health care. I am proud to stand with my colleagues and the President to support a system that provides security, accountability, and peace of mind to the people whom we serve. The American people now have the security of knowing that their health care system has the ability to move forward, by providing this right for all and not for the select few."

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Honored By Colleagues In Washington As The Founder Of The Congressional Tri Caucus

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson was honored recently by her colleagues for forming the Congressional Tri-Caucus in 2001. Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, Assistant Democratic Leader Congressman James Clyburn, Congressional Black Caucus Chair Emmanuel Cleaver, and former Chairwoman Barbara Lee offered poignant remarks in recognition of Congresswoman Johnson.
“By forming the Tri-Caucus, I brought together House Members from the Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus to create a community of House Members that reflected the diversity of our Nation. The purpose of the caucus was to form a bigger and more effective message, as well as to create a platform that will contribute to the enrichment of the lives of the constituents who we serve,” stated Congresswoman Johnson.
“I’ve always been an advocate for diversity in my congressional district, and felt that there was a great need in Congress to unite these three caucuses. I appreciate my colleagues joining me in forming the Tri-Caucus in 2001, and as a result we have seen how our efforts have produced a number of effective legislation.”
"Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson is a visionary leader who recognized the need for communities of color to come together and who acted on that by creating the powerful and important coalition we call the Tri-Caucus," stated Congresswoman Barbara Lee.
The Tri-Caucus reception honoring Congresswoman Johnson was hosted by Congresswoman Lee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
Article from the Dallas Weekly

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's LGBT Pride Month Message - June 2012

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson delivered the following remarks in a message observing National LGBT Pride Month, “This month marks the 43 anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, an event largely regarded as the birth of the modern LGBT movement for civil rights in the United States. Since then enormous advancements in gay rights have been made including the passage of the Matthew Shepard & James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. These laws strengthen our commitment to value every American life equally, both publically and privately. The law of the land must protect every American’s Civil Rights, and we must continue to value every American life in law and in practice. As a stand against intolerance, I am a proud member of the LGBT Equality Caucus. I will continue to promote sensible legislation in Washington that ensures a more unified fight against discrimination and intolerance. While great progress has been made more work needs to be done. As a Member of Congress I will continue to work in pursuit of equal rights for all.”

Congresswoman Johnson has been a tireless advocate for the LGBT community in the fight for civil rights and is an original co-sponsor of the repeal of both 'Don't Ask Don't Tell" and the Defense of Marriage Act. Congresswoman Johnson is an original cosponsor of the Employment Non Discrimination Act and is an original co author of The Matthew Shepard & James Bryd Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Urges for Passage of Job Creating Transportation Bill

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson spoke on the Floor of the House of Representatives in favor of Democratic Whip Hoyer's Motion to Instruct Conferees, which directs conferees to agree to the Senate-passed transportation bill, MAP-21. MAP-21 passed the Senate by a strong bipartisan vote of 74-22, and it is critical that the House pass this legislation. Congresswoman Johnson is the Senior Ranking Texan on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee and is a Conferee on the Transportation Bill.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Meets with United Way and Dallas Cowboy, Brandon Carr

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson recently met with United Way & Dallas Cowboy, Brandon Carr, about their "Live United" campaign in her Washington D.C. office. They are focusing on building kids' academic skills in their early school years to help lower the drop out rate in this country. As a staunch advocate for STEM education, Congresswoman Johnson offered her support and encouragement to their movement.

Congresswoman Johnson And The Committee On Science, Space & Technology Examine The Priorities & Effectiveness Of The Nation's Science Policies

Congresswoman Johnson and the House Committee On Science,   Space & Technology held a hearing in Washington entitled to examine the priorities and effectiveness of the America's science policy.

Witnesses included Dr. John P. Holdren - Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Congresswoman Johnson stated in her opening remarks, "We live in an increasingly complex world, and the challenges we face will be both impacted by and—hopefully—alleviated by science and technology. As Americans, we should celebrate the fact that a highly respected scientist such as Dr. Holdren has the ear of the President and is truly part of his inner circle of advisers on matters of science and technology. We in Congress also can benefit from good advice on matters of science and technology policy."

Congresswoman Johnson went on to say, "As you know, I care deeply about the need to ensure that we remain competitive in a challenging world economy as well as improve the quality of life for all our citizens. Research and innovation are essential ingredients of any effort to meet those two goals, as is STEM education. You have a number of initiatives underway related to STEM education, and I would like to hear how those are faring and any issues that you are facing."

Congresswoman Johnson serves as Ranking Committee Member of the House Committee on Science, Space & Technology.

Congresswoman Johnson Welcomes District 30 Congressional Art Contest Winner

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson recently welcomed the District 30 Congressional Art Contest winner, Christian Alexander Gietema, to her Washington D.C. office. Christian was invited to the Capitol with the hundreds of other winners  from every Congressional district around the country . His wining art piece, Broken Record Conversation, will be on display for the next year in the Halls of the U.S. Capitol.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's June 19th Floor Statement On Operation Enduring Freedom

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives on June 19, 2012 about the lives lost in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.

"Last week, the number of lives lost in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan officially exceeded 2,000 American deaths."

"Over 2,000 men and women have sacrificed their own lives in this campaign alone so that we may continue to enjoy our way of life here at home."

"As we pay our respects to these fallen soldiers, it is important that we look beyond the number in order to recognize the intricacies of the lives lost since we first went to war in Afghanistan."

"Every person lost is a lost father, or son; mother, or daughter; brother, or sister; best friend, or neighbor. With every loss, there is an entire network of people who are impacted by this tremendous loss of life."

"Mr. Speaker, the scope and severity of these casualties can often times be diluted as they are compiled into statistics and reports. We must never forget that these are our family and friends who we are sending into war."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Joins MSNBC's Martin Bashir To Discuss Jobs, Student Loans And Women's Rights

Congresswoman  Eddie Bernice Johnson joins MSNBC’s Martin Bashir to discuss why Congress is on vacation from work, from the Transportation Bill, from the student loan debate, and from women’s rights.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Addresses NACE

NACE members from all over the U.S. came to Washington, DC recently to participate in more than 50 meetings with Members of Congress and staff and to host a briefing on Capitol Hill. The three-day event was a joint effort between NACE International and ASM International with the goal of educating legislators about how consistent corrosion control practices can save the nation billions of dollars, preserve the nation’s infrastructure, and create high-wage jobs.

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson addressed attendees and emphasized the wasteful expense corrosion causes the national infrastructure. “With the annual cost of corrosion to the transportation sector at $52 billion, the effects are far too costly and dangerous for us to ignore. In addition to the costs to our infrastructure system, corrosion jeopardizes the safety of those traveling on our roads and bridges. We must build, but in doing so, we must build smartly, utilizing innovative technologies to address corrosion of our infrastructure.”

Congresswoman Johnson serves as the Senior Ranking Texan on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee.

Congresswoman Johnson's Statement Supporting President Obama's Ohio Speech On The Economy

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson released the following statement supporting President Obama’s speech on the economy in Cleveland, Ohio

 “Today we heard the President articulate two fundamentally different visions of how we grow the economy, create middle class jobs, and pay down the debt. We in Texas know what’s at stake in this election, and it’s clear that the path laid out by the President is the right course for America’s economic future."

"Texans are still feeling the effects of the recession. The middle class, recent graduates, homeowners, and small businesses in Texas are still recovering from the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression. We are making progress and our economy is growing, but we simply cannot afford to return to the same failed economic policies of the previous Administration, which Mitt Romney has dusted off and proposed to the Nation."

"President Obama understands that we must invest in our middle class now in order to create an economy that is built to last.  He believes America prospers when hard work pays off, responsibility is rewarded, and everyone gets a fair shot.  Mitt Romney, on the other hand, is offering the same flawed economic blueprint that benefitted a few, crashed our economy and devastated the middle class. The President’s speech in Ohio today was a clear indication of the choice Texans have in this election: we can continue to move forward with President Obama or go backwards with Mitt Romney.”  

Congresswoman Johnson Hosts A Roundtable Discussion On The National Action Plan On Women, Peace and Security

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson hosted a roundtable discussion in Washington, D.C., last week that brought together women representing the necessary elements to drive forward the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.

The National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace and Security issued by President Barack Obama late last year is unquestionably a significant and necessary step towards increasing women’s participation in conflict prevention and peace negotiations. It increases efforts to protect women and children in areas impacted by armed conflict and addresses the specific needs of women and children in post conflict recovery efforts as called for in UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and other related UN resolutions. 

Among those participating were The State Department's ambassador-at-large for global women’s issues, Melanne Verveer, former Ambassador Swanee Hunt, the president of Hunt Alternatives Fund and chair of the Institute for Inclusive Security, Sanam Naraghi Anderlini of the International Civil Society Action Network, Tanya Henderson, the executive director of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Karen Mulhauser, president of the United Nations Association of the United States of America, and Susan Shaer, who moderated the program and is the executive director of Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND),

Noting the attendance of staffers from numerous Congressional offices,  Congresswoman Johnson said "It is important for civil society to prod their elected officials on this issue, and that this is an opportunity for the United States to be an example and to demonstrate best practices, not just, 'talk and instruct'."  

A report due out later this summer will lay out in more detail how the various federal agencies and departments (notably the Departments of Defense and State as well as USAID) intend to implement the specifics of the NAP that have been tasked to them. At that point we will have a more substantive understanding of the seriousness of the U.S. intent to fully mainstream the voices and needs of women in peace and security policy making.

Congresswoman Johnson Advocates For The Passage Of A Job Creating Transportation Bill

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson Eddie Bernice Johnson recently spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives to urge for the passage of the transportation bill. The current "Extension" of the transportation bill expires at the end of the month. There are millions of jobs and industries across the country that depend on a strong vision and the financial certainty that a long term transportation bill would offer.

Historically, this has ALWAYS been a bipartisan bill, because e both parties recognize the importance of infrastructure jobs, repair, maintenance, and investment. This year Republicans have been playing political games and have blocked the progress of a responsible long term transportation & highway bill. 

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