Saturday, May 5, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Pledges Her Support For COMMIT! A Plan To Improve Dallas Schools

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and new Dallas ISD Superintendent Mike Miles joined Mayor Mike Rawlings Friday to promote a plan to bring together various entities to improve education in the Dallas area. The Commit! plan was first rolled out last year by Rawlings, who has made improving local schools a main focus. The nonprofit organization is expected to bring together groups — from local businesses to institutes of higher education — that can use their strengths to improve the education of young people in Dallas County from “cradle to career.” Exactly what measures will be taken by the group will be determined after a strategic plan is developed. Topics addressed in previous discussions about Commit! included addressing parent engagement, providing social service and sharing best practices. Rawlings said the program will support public and private educational entities. “We want to make Dallas one of the best places to get an education,” he said. Partners of the plan are being asked to commit to working together. The organization is expected to be primarily funded by regional and national foundations. It will be governed by an independent council consisting of representatives from various organizations. Congresswoman Johnson said it will take the community’s help to improve education. “We’ve got to step up,” she said. “I’m willing to do what I can.” Several other elected officials also spoke during the news conference, with some strongly backing the plan.