Sunday, December 23, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Discusses The Future Of NASA, Space Exploration, and Research

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Ranking Member of the House Committee On Science Space & Technology poses questions to witnesses during the Full Committee hearing titled: The Future of NASA: Perspectives on Strategic Vision for America's Space.

"Just looking at what has happened so far in space exploration and research. It is clear to me that where we are now came almost exclusively but certainly from space exploration and research. I believe that to stop and say that we simply can't afford it is  to say to our future, 'we won't be there, we won't be there for our young people, we won't be there for the inspiration, we are just going so take a back seat and watch the rest of the world'. We won't need to educate our young people if we aren't going to give some opportunity for participation. We have to make some real serious decisions. I don't think we can half step it. We have got to decide that we are going to invest in our future and eliminate the need for food stamps or whether we are going to continue to pay for more and more and more." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Watch Video 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Discusses The Fiscal Cliff, The Pathway Forward For The President and the Republican's 'Plan B' On MSNBC

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson joined host Michael Eric Dyson on MSNBC's Martin Bashir show to react to Speaker Boehner's 'Plan B' and the looming fiscal cliff.

" This past year we have cut so much... until there is no longer a yes and no of what you would cut, we have cut to the bone and we now need to bring in some revenue."

" It is unconscionable to think that they (the Republicans) are willing to to throw all of the seniors over the cliff, the children, the poor, and the disabled, and yet give the richest tax breaks..."

" I will not give up standing up for the poorest people, our children, their food and education, and our disabled and our seniors." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson


Monday, December 17, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson & Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer "Deficit Solution Must Preserve The American Dream"

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson & Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer Co Authored an op-ed for Politico that provided sound reasoning why any deficit solution must provide for continued investments in America's future.
"For families still struggling to get by, the holiday season is a time for hope that the coming year will bring new opportunities. While our economic recovery has seen significant progress, there is still much more to be done to get Americans back to work and expand our middle class.
However, a serious impediment to doing so exists in the form of the fiscal cliff. That combination of automatic tax increases and arbitrary spending cuts, if allowed to hit on January 1, would significantly undermine Congress’s ability to invest in moving our recovery forward, creating new opportunities, and working toward sustained job growth.
If we don’t prioritize spending or bring in sufficient revenues, programs that expand our economy and protect the most vulnerable are at risk. Indiscriminate cuts to those kinds of programs would damage the economy even further, and make it harder for millions to achieve the American Dream.

For example, recognizing the need to graduate more students well prepared for skilled jobs in advanced manufacturing, Make It In America legislation places a particular emphasis on furthering science, technology, engineering, and math – or “STEM” – education in America. It includes bills like the Broadening Participation in STEM Education Act, which was introduced in April and would authorize National Science Foundation grants to help bring more students from underrepresented groups into STEM learning programs.

We’re concerned that, unless we reach a big and balanced deal, items like House Democrats’ “Make It In America” plan will not become reality. This jobs plan invests in innovation, education, and infrastructure in order to help our businesses and workers compete in the global economy. This is the type of jobs platform our nation needs to build a lasting, strong economy, and it represents the kind of investments we believe are worth prioritizing as we get our fiscal house in order.
Right now, our overseas competitors are producing more engineers and scientists than ever before. We ought to be making it easier for students to learn the basics of science and math, use those foundational skills to advance in secondary and post-secondary courses, and graduate ready to find jobs that won’t be shipped overseas. A STEM-prepared workforce will also help us attract new business development to our shores. We hear regularly from advanced manufacturers determined not only to design a product here but also to “make it in America” – only to discover they have trouble finding enough workers and managers here with sufficient STEM training."

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Examines Issues Surrounding NASA's Strategic Direction & Future

Congresswoman Johnson, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a hearing to examine issues surrounding NASA’s strategic direction, including reviewing critical capabilities that underpin the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) role as the world’s preeminent civil space exploration and aeronautics research and development agency, discussing potential steps to preserve and promote them, and reviewing the findings of a National Research Council (NRC) panel’s report on NASA’s Strategic Direction that were released last week.  Testifying before the Committee was the Vice Chair of that NRC panel and aerospace experts from industry and academia.
Noting that the issues considered by the NRC panel are not new to the Committee, Congresswoman Johnson said “We have heard them [the issues] raised in one form or another in both this and previous Congresses.  I hope that the findings of the NRC panel’s assessment will encourage both the Administration and Congress to put NASA on a firmer footing and to recognize NASA for the national asset that it is”.  She emphasized the need to remember the criticality of investing in research and development (R&D), even in times of fiscal restraint.   Ms. Johnson said “While NASA’s programs are funded as part of the Federal domestic discretionary budget, we should not forget that those programs are long-term R&D undertakings, and they can’t just be turned on and off whenever we have a short-term fiscal issue needing attention—not if we want them to be successful, and not if we want to maintain our commitment to the dedicated workforce that is trying to bring them to fruition.  That is a challenge we are going to face in the coming months and years as we work to put the nation’s financial house in order.  Because we forget at our peril the hard reality that investments in R&D and innovation, such as in the programs and projects carried out at NASA are just that—investments—investments in our nation’s future and in the future of our children.”
In discussing the NRC panel’s conclusion that the approach to and pace of a number of NASA’s programs, projects, and activities will not be sustainable if the NASA budget remains flat as currently projected, Democratic Members emphasized the critical nature of NASA’s work in promoting innovation, advancing knowledge, advancing the nation’s peaceful geopolitical objectives, and inspiring America’s youth to following careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Receives The 2012 Sam Rayburn Courage Award

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has been awarded the 2012 Sam Rayburn Courage Award by the Texas Democratic Party. The Sam Rayburn Courage Award is named for the legendary former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Texas Congressman Sam Rayburn.

In the Texas Democratic Party's statement on this years award they highlighted Congresswoman Johnson's service in the Texas House of Representatives, the Texas Senate, and the United States House of Representatives and went on to say, "Congresswoman Johnson was chosen as the recipient of this years Sam Rayburn Courage Award in recognition of her years of outstanding service and many achievements not only for her district but for all of Texas."

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Speaks At Ethnic Diversity Workshop In Materials Science

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson was the keynote speaker at the Ethnic Diversity Workshop in Materials Science, held by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. The workshop’s focus was to address the lack of diversity in post-secondary education and the Materials Science fields.

Congresswoman Johnson noted, “Statistics show that students from minority communities are falling behind in math and science as early as the 4th grade. We cannot continue down this path if we want to remain competitive globally.  We must continue to emphasize and invest in STEM education so that our science and tech companies can find the skilled workforce they need here at home.”

Justin Schwartz, head of the Department of Materials Science at North Carolina State University, said “Congresswoman Johnson has shown both expertise and leadership in increasing diversity in the science fields, and we are thankful for her thoughts and perspectives.” North Carolina State University was one of the universities partnering in the event.

The workshop was held in Arlington, Virginia, and attended by government agencies, academics, and graduate students from across the country.

As the first African American and the first female Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Congresswoman Johnson has been a constant champion for increasing the ranks of underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and math fields. 

Congresswoman Johnson Applauds The Creation Of Inter-Agency Task Force On Commercial Advocacy

Congresswoman Johnson was pleased by President Obama's recent signing of an executive order establishing an Inter-agency Task Force on Commercial Advocacy. 

 "This task force will assist U.S. businesses seeking contracts and market access overseas. In signing this order, the President continues his commitment to increasing American exports, which help drive job creation in manufacturing and other sectors of our economy. This focus on export assistance and helping our businesses access foreign markets is intrinsic to House Democrats’ Make It In America plan. Read about the “Make It In America” plan supports job creation today and in the future by encouraging businesses to make products and innovate in the United States and sell it to the world." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Friday, December 7, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Remembers Congressman Jack Brooks

Congresswoman Johnson remembered her former colleague, and fellow Texas Democrat, Congressman Jack Brooks in an interview with the Houston Chronicle.
Congresswoman Johnson said, “He was a true grit Texan, meaning that what he believed in, he didn’t shy away from. He’d stand up boldly for it. That showed when I saw him helping put together civil rights legislation and trying to make sure workers’ rights were protected.
“He was one of the people who stood out and stood up. As an example, he was part of the Texas delegation working up front to draft the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. There were a lot of Southerners, even Democrats, who had reservations taking leadership in those pieces of legislation, but he did it.
“We all could take lessons from observing the way he held himself. He was very true to his beliefs. He was trustworthy. He believed in what he was standing for and he didn’t shrink away from it.
“One of the reasons why he was defeated (for re-election in 1994) was because he stood strong with the (Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act) crime bill — which had some gun control — and President Clinton. He was from part of the state that believed in gun rights. He said he stood with the president.”

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Re-elected As Ranking Member of Committee On Science, Space, & Technology

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson was recently elected by her colleagues in the Democratic Caucus to remain Ranking Member of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology for the 113th Congress. 
“I am honored to continue our work at the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. I stand eager to continue to work with my colleagues on the Committee to help rebuild our nation’s economy through the enhancement of STEM education, continued support for scientific innovation, and the creation of hi-tech jobs.  Both basic and applied scientific research have significantly enhance our standard of living, fostered new innovative industries, and retained our nations’ global competitiveness.  I will work tirelessly to advance these issues in the best interest of our nation.  There is much work to be done in the 113th Congress. The America COMPETES Act, which helps maintain and enhance America’s competitiveness by supporting education and innovation, is up for reauthorization. In addition, we will need to reaffirm our commitment to a robust program of science, aeronautics, exploration, and human spaceflight as we reauthorize NASA. Finally, the Committee’s jurisdiction encompasses a number of challenges that the country is currently facing such as climate change, severe weather and other hazards, a growing need for clean energy, and the importance of revitalizing our manufacturing sector. I look forward to working with incoming Chairman Smith to help address these and other important issues.  I sincerely hope that this Committee will be able to work on a bipartisan basis to look at how we can grow new sectors of the U.S. economy, prepare our children for the jobs of the future, and ensure our long-term competitiveness.”

Congresswoman Johnson was first elected Ranking Member in December 2010, becoming the first African-American and the first female Ranking Member of the Committee.  She joined the Science, Space, and Technology Committee as a freshman in 1993.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Applauds $5.1 Billion In Prescription Drug Savings Since Enactment Of The Affordable Care Act

“Today, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that America’s seniors have saved more than $5.1 billion on prescription drugs since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act.  In Texas alone, 158,000 Medicare recipients have saved over $300 million by closing the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap known as the “donut hole.”  Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, Medicare recipients will continue to see these savings on prescription drugs until 2020, when the donut hole coverage gap will close.

As the only North Texas legislator to vote for this historic healthcare reform bill, I am pleased to see so many Texans taking advantage of its many benefits.  More than 1.62 million Texans have also utilized free access to preventive services.   As the American people see increased savings and access to care, the Affordable Care Act is more popular than ever before.”

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Sends A Holiday Message To The Troops Around The World

Congresswoman Johnson recently recorded a special  holiday message to send to our troops serving around the world.  In her message Congresswoman Johnson said, "Our thoughts and prayers are with all those in the Armed Services that are serving this holiday season."

Congresswoman Johnson Honors Congressman Ralph Hall

Congresswoman Johnson, Ranking Member of the House Committee On Science Space & Technology, spoke at a ceremony honoring Congressman Ralph Hall. The Ceremony at the Capitol unveiled Hall's portrait that commemorates his Chairmanship of the House Committee On Science Space & Technology.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Urges House Leadership To Extend Middle Class Tax Cuts

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson urged her fellow Members of Congress to vote in favor of extending middle class tax cuts.

“Today, the White House released a report on the impact on consumer spending and retailers of the impending middle class tax hikes.  As the White House report illustrates, our economy can’t afford middle class tax hikes.  By extending these tax cuts, the typical middle class family will maintain a tax break of $2,200 next year.  

For the good of our country and our economy, we must work together to quickly extend tax cuts for 98 percent of all Americans.  If Congress fails to act, middle class families will see their income taxes go up in 2013.  It is essential that we work together to provide certainty and peace of mind to families, retailers, and small businesses during this holiday season.

Democratic Members of Congress have proposed the extension of all the middle class tax cuts, and the Senate has passed middle class tax cut legislation.  It is now time for the House Republican Leadership to take up this proposal and provide some economic certainty to the American people.”

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Wins Re-election

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has won her bid for an 11th term representing the 30th Congressional District of Texas. Johnson won a landslide victory over her Republican and Libertarian opponents earning 80% of the vote.

In their post election coverage the Huffington Post credited Congresswoman Johnson's long history of achievement for 'the 99%' and for her  legislative actions aimed at reducing the inequality gap.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Honors Veterans and Fallen Soldiers on Veterans Day

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson honored our veterans and their families on Veteran’s Day.

“Veteran’s Day is a day when Americans come together to recognize and remember the sacrifices of servicemen and women of America’s Armed Forces. The brave efforts of our Armed Forces is the sole foundation of freedom and democracy.

I express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the brave American men and women in uniform and recognize the families of our fallen. Their dedication to protecting our country’s freedom is truly appreciated and can never be forgotten.

On this day, we remember the contributions of those who have served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere around the world. President Barack Obama ended the war in Iraq responsibly, and brought home our troops that were stationed there. We are working towards the same goal in Afghanistan and plan for our troops to return home in 2014.

Now, more than ever, we must renew our commitment to our veteran’s and ensure they receive the benefits they so rightly deserve when they come home. Our soldiers are in desperate need of employment and medical treatments. In the 30th Congressional District, over 30,000 veterans reside and it has the 2ndlargest VA Medical Center in the nation. The national unemployment rate for our post-9/11 veterans is at 9.7 percent. Specifically in the state of Texas, the average unemployment rate for post-9/11 veterans was 13.5 percent in 2011, according to the latest finding by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Congress and President Obama have made great strides in helping our veterans succeed. The new Post 9-11 GI Bill has already helped over 700,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Wars to afford college.  We have strengthened health care for more than 5 million veterans by providing better access to treatment. The support for military families has fortified buy building more military child care centers and better military housing. While we are on the path to decreasing these unemployment figures, we must continue to push forward to ensure our veterans have the tools they need to successfully enter the workforce.

As we reflect on this Veteran’s Day, I ask that all Americans take a moment and thank our veterans and active duty members for their unwavering service. We appreciate all of their hard work and dedication to keeping our country safe, and we have an obligation to ensure a return to normalcy when they come back from service.”

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Adresses Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson recently visited the Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy where she addressed students on the importance of leadership in all aspects of their lives.

Congresswoman Johnson stressed the need for young men to possess strong leadership qualities in order to become the next exceptional leaders of America. She also highlighted the successes and challenges of her career in public service, followed by a question and answer period with the students.

“Our young men are an intricate part of the future direction of this nation. We must continue to encourage them to face challenges with perseverance and determination to help prepare them for the obstacles they will encounter in their futures,” said Congresswoman Johnson.

The young men provided a moving patriotic themed medley, while the jazz ensemble showcased a number of classics before Congresswoman Johnson spoke to the students.

Congresswoman Johnson commended the leadership academy for their dedication and diligence in the development of these young men.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Celebrates The Grand Opening Of Klyde Warren Park

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson delivered remarks at the grand opening of Dallas' newest landmark, Klyde Warren Park, the 5-acre deck park built over the recessed freeway in the center of the city.

The park is intended to promote sustainability, create pedestrian-friendly space in the center of the city, and enhance quality of life downtown. It will have a positive economic impact by boosting surrounding real estate development, increasing property values and increasing city tax revenue. The increased foot traffic should be catalytic for the surrounding arts institutions and street-level business opportunities. The 5.2-acre park will create an urban green space over the existing Woodall Rodgers Freeway between Pearl and St. Paul Streets in downtown Dallas. The Park includes a performance stage, restaurant, shaded walking paths, a dog park, a children’s park, great lawn, water features, an area for games and much more.

The $110 million needed to build the park was raised by a partnership of Dallas business leaders and public officials. The money raised includes $16 million in Federal Stimulus funds that Congresswoman Johnson was instrumental in securing for the project.

"People are ready to make our city more beautiful and more useful," Congresswoman Johnson said about the partnership with private donors. "I'm very proud of my city for it's can-do spirit."

Congresswoman Johnson Marks The Tenth Anniversary Of The Help America Vote Act

“As we mark the tenth anniversary of the enactment of the Help America Vote Act, which was signed into law on October 29, 2002, we must continue to ensure for a trustworthy and accessible voting process for the citizens of this nation.  During this election, the voting process has come under attack.  It is our duty as Members of Congress to make certain that the voting process is without blemish, especially after the election fiasco in Florida in 2000.

The Help America Vote Act is instrumental in making sure ballots are counted accurately, making it easier for military personnel to vote, and ensures that polling places are accessible to those with disabilities.  It created the Election Assistance Commission, which helps states transition to modern voting machines.  The Act enforced the use of provisional ballots for those whose eligibility is questioned and who would have been turned away.  In addition, the Act included provisions such as creating a uniform, nationwide voter registration database to protect against fraud, and help military service members to vote while abroad.  Even though this legislation has created positive changes to our voting system, we must take the next steps to protect voter access.

In May, civil rights leader Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) led House Democrats in introducing the Voter Empowerment Act, legislation that will further highlight the issue of a secure voting system.  I firmly support this legislation because it makes sure all eligible voters can cast their ballots without the risk of being turned away.  It bans unlawful purging of voter rolls, and cracks down on deceptive practices that discourage voters from turning out.  The Voter Empowerment Act will ensure that the gains we have made as a Nation in the name of expanding voting rights for all Americans will remain intact.  I urge the House leadership to bring the Voter Empowerment Act to the House Floor for a vote to guarantee voter security and to continue to push for stronger voting rights.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Monday, October 29, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Visits The 126th Annual State Fair Of Texas

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson recently visited the 126th annual State Fair of Texas and had the honor of meeting the ROTC team from W.T. White High school. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Congresswoman Congratulates Alameda Heights Outreach Foundation

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson welcomed  Dallas Mayor Pro-Tem Councilman Tennell Atkins and other dignitaries to celebrate the Alameda Heights Outreach Foundation for receiving a $1.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor for the organization’s Dallas YouthBuild program.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Reaffirms Her Commitment To Public Transportation

Congresswoman Eddie  Bernice Johnson joined  passengers & workers for nationwide ‘National Transit Voter Week’ to mobilize riders to vote & draw attention to importance of safe and reliable public transportation.

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson recently supported National Transit Voter Week by joining passengers, transit workers and advocates at a rally at DART West End Transit Center and took a ride on DART to mobilize riders to vote and draw attention to the vital role public transportation plays in the Dallas economy.
Congresswoman Johnson, a Senior Texan on the House Transportation Committee, spoke at the rally pledging her support for funding for mass transit.  
“Many of my constituents really rely on public transportation to get to and from work, the doctor, school, shops, and other daily tasks. Mass transit keeps our community moving, which is critical for businesses throughout our region. That’s why I strongly support funding that will ensure that we will continue to have safe, reliable mass transit here in Dallas and in communities like ours across the nation,” said Congresswoman Johnson.
The Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) held this event as a part of an ongoing Get Out the Vote campaign to encourage transit riders to vote on November 6, and to highlight transportation issues in this election.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson & Congressman Frank Visit Cathedral Of Hope And Address Group From Youth First Texas

Retiring Rep. Barney Frank toured Cathedral of Hope and met with members of Youth First Texas for an hour-long discussion at the Interfaith Peace Chapel on Monday.
Frank was in town for a fundraiser for Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson.
“I’m not campaigning myself this year,” Frank said. “And Eddie Bernice Johnson is enormously respected in Congress.”
Frank predicted that within 20 years, there will be full LGBT equality. He said several things have changed recently paving the way. States that have passed marriage equality have seen no impact on anyone else’s marriage. The head of the Marine Corps who opposed the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” said he was wrong and that repeal had no negative impact the military. And younger people are less likely to oppose equality and their support should continue as they age.
He said that the anti-LGBT faction has tried to divide the African-American caucus to stop their support of LGBT equality.
But Rep. Johnson said, “We know what it’s like to be treated unfairly.”
Frank said the black caucus is better on LGBT issues than the gay members.
“Not the openly gay members,” he said, politely declining to name any of his colleagues as closeted.
A Booker T. Washington student asked if his perception of Congress was correct.
“The far right seems to have gotten angrier and moved more to the right,” the student said.
Johnson joked it was “because our president is so black.”
Frank said, “Bob Dole, even Dan Quayle, weren’t like that. They see the country slipping away from them. This is not the country they grew up in. You’re certainly right. They’re angrier.”
But Frank believes the tea party is losing strength. He thinks many will be defeated in the upcoming election and that the label has become a negative in most places.
Frank, who was first elected to the Massachusetts Legislature in 1972, three years after the Stonewall Rebellion, said he rode in Boston’s second Pride parade.
Ari Emanuel, brother of Chicago mayor Rahm and basis for the character of Ari Gold, the William Morris agent in Entourage, contacted Frank about representing him after he retires at the end of this year.
Frank plans to write. His first book will probably be about LGBT equality. And he plans to lecture.
“What I’ve been doing for free, I’ll be getting paid for,” he joked.
Frank commented on marriage equality not being an issue in the election or mentioned in the debates.
“The majority of voters have someone close to them who is gay or lesbian,” he said.
Speaking about their surroundings, Johnson said she enjoyed coming to Cathedral of Hope, which she called “an accepting and peaceful environment.”
She contrasted that to some other churches she’s experienced and blamed teen suicide on a “lack of understanding.”
She mentioned Chris Crowe, a young, gay member of her staff who passed away last year after heart surgery, calling him a “delightful individual.”
Frank said Crowe “had an impact on other staff, too.”
Frank told the youth from YFT they deserved their equal rights.
“I’m not asking anyone to be grateful for the progress we’re making,” he said.
He told them a story of a man who was shot in the neck. Other people said he was lucky he wasn’t shot in the head. The person recovering from the neck wound said, “Well, I think people who weren’t shot are luckier.”
Article by David Taffet - Dallas Voice

Congresswoman Johnson Addresses NAACP Texas 76th Annual Convention

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson discussed Texas redistricting at the 76th annual NAACP Texas Convention in Corpus Christie.
She discussed her central role in the various court cases on redistricting, and the Supreme Court decision that eventually ruled against the Republican drawn districts. Congresswoman Johnson vowed to continue to fight for two additional seats in North Texas saying, 'The demographic results from the census demand not one but two additional seats in North Texas, and the people deserve to be able to elect Representatives who are responsive to their needs and desires."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson's Accomplishments & Leadership Recognized By Women's Action For New Direction

WAND/WiLL recognizes the accomplishments of Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30). Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson is serving her 10th term representing the 30thCongressional District of Texas. WAND would like to recognize Congresswoman Johnson for her work on the National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security (NAP) and the Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2012 (WPS). The NAP states that the US will "institutionalize a gender-responsive approach to its diplomatic, development, and defense-related work in conflict affected environments," and will work to increase women's rights and "substantive participation in peace processes, conflict prevention, peacebuilding, transitional processes, and decision making institutions in conflict-affected environments." Congresswoman Johnson has created a women’s peace initiative called “A World of Women for World Peace.” She has said, “Through this initiative, I have worked tirelessly to bring attention to those on the forefront of the peace movement. Whether meeting with international delegations or hosting events on Capitol Hill, such as this one, I hope to bring conflict resolution to our dialogue. The goal for this discussion was to provide a foundation for how my colleagues and I can best support the implementation of the National Action Plan.”
Congresswoman Johnson started “A World of Women for World Peace” in 2001 to bring greater visibility to the women who are victims of war and aggression, and the women who facilitate peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace-building activities in their communities. She said, “We must look at the human and economic costs of war to realize just how urgently we need to actively pursue peace. The costs of war cannot merely be measured with statistics or dollars. The real faces of war are torn and displaced communities, women suffering the ravages of rape and widowhood, children with missing limbs and orphans without the hope of education and healthcare.”
WAND was proud to join Congresswoman Johnson in co-sponsorship of a Congressional Roundtable on the U.S. National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security (NAP) in June 2012, which was moderated by WAND Executive Director Susan Shaer. Additional co-sponsors included Congressman Russ Carnahan (D-MO), the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and US Section. Featuring first ever US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer, the program focused on the role of women in peace-building and conflict prevention.
Since coming to Congress, Congresswoman Johnson has earned the reputation of being a stateswoman who is dedicated to improving U.S. foreign relationships and policies. In December 2010, Congresswoman Johnson was elected as the first African-American female Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. From 2000 to 2002, she was the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education where she emphasized education in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines. She works tirelessly towards improving human rights around the globe. Congresswoman Johnson’s acclaimed initiative “A World of Women for World Peace” has been nationally and internationally recognized. Congresswoman Johnson is widely recognized as one of the most effective legislators in Congress. She is credited with originally authoring and co-authoring more than 150 bills that were passed by the House and Senate and signed into law. She also has a long-standing reputation for providing excellent constituent services.
WAND/WiLL is proud of our long association with the Congresswoman, beginning with her membership in the Women Legislators’ Lobby when she served in Texas’ state house. We look forward to continuing to work with her as she gathers support for the Women, Peace, and Security Act.
-Bronwen Raff, Communications and Development Inter - Tufts University Class of 2013