Sunday, December 23, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Discusses The Future Of NASA, Space Exploration, and Research

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Ranking Member of the House Committee On Science Space & Technology poses questions to witnesses during the Full Committee hearing titled: The Future of NASA: Perspectives on Strategic Vision for America's Space.

"Just looking at what has happened so far in space exploration and research. It is clear to me that where we are now came almost exclusively but certainly from space exploration and research. I believe that to stop and say that we simply can't afford it is  to say to our future, 'we won't be there, we won't be there for our young people, we won't be there for the inspiration, we are just going so take a back seat and watch the rest of the world'. We won't need to educate our young people if we aren't going to give some opportunity for participation. We have to make some real serious decisions. I don't think we can half step it. We have got to decide that we are going to invest in our future and eliminate the need for food stamps or whether we are going to continue to pay for more and more and more." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

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