Monday, November 26, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Urges House Leadership To Extend Middle Class Tax Cuts

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson urged her fellow Members of Congress to vote in favor of extending middle class tax cuts.

“Today, the White House released a report on the impact on consumer spending and retailers of the impending middle class tax hikes.  As the White House report illustrates, our economy can’t afford middle class tax hikes.  By extending these tax cuts, the typical middle class family will maintain a tax break of $2,200 next year.  

For the good of our country and our economy, we must work together to quickly extend tax cuts for 98 percent of all Americans.  If Congress fails to act, middle class families will see their income taxes go up in 2013.  It is essential that we work together to provide certainty and peace of mind to families, retailers, and small businesses during this holiday season.

Democratic Members of Congress have proposed the extension of all the middle class tax cuts, and the Senate has passed middle class tax cut legislation.  It is now time for the House Republican Leadership to take up this proposal and provide some economic certainty to the American people.”