Monday, February 19, 2018

Congresswoman Johnson Calls For Measures To Reduce Gun Violence

“My thoughts and prayers are with the families and those who lost their loved ones to yet another senseless act of gun violence, although I recognize that prayers without action means nothing to the victims and their families.
We have not been largely successful in implementing meaningful reforms to our gun laws in over 20 years since the Brady Law was enacted.  I do not believe that one single gun law can prevent every shooting.  However, there are solutions that can reduce gun violence and save lives – for instance, addressing mental illness. We need to discuss the types of mental health services provided for those who pose a threat. In many prior incidents, it has been noted that the shooters have a mental illness and have made a public cry for help.
Since I believe gun control policies alone will not stop mass violence, I have remained a strong supporter of mental health reform. We have learned that many individuals who committed mass violence either lacked or sought mental health treatment, but were unable to get the treatment they needed. My former colleague Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA) and I were successful in passing legislation that implemented these measures in the 21st Century Cures Act, so I will remain a firm advocate in ensuring that those with mental illnesses have the care they need.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson