Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Condemns Trump's Charlottesville Remarks

“I am deeply disturbed by President Trump's unsatisfactory response to the incident in Charlottesville, VA.  He was elected by the American people to be a leader with the hopes that he would unify and strengthen our nation. Instead, his most recent comments will only continue to divide us as a country. It is long overdue for the president to display the strong sense of leadership that is expected of an elected official, leader of the free world, and President of the United States. White nationalism has no place in our democratic society. President Trump should unequivocally denounce such extremism and frankly he has been reluctant to do so.

“I have lived in this great nation for all of my life and I have witnessed many things throughout my years. However, I never imagined a day when someone such as the President would defend and align himself with such hateful and evil rhetoric. Our country is better than this, and so are its people. There should be zero hesitation from this White House administration to denounce racial extremism and condemn the violence we have seen in Charlottesville.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson