Saturday, November 12, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Honors America's Veterans

“Today is a special day every year when all Americans pause to celebrate and commemorate the selfless sacrifices of the men and women that have served in our Armed Forces,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “Veterans Day is our time to remember and reflect on the generations of citizens that have put on the uniform of a solider, marine, sailor, airman, or Coast Guardsman.”
“This Veterans Day, let us not forget the promise we have made to our veterans to uplift and support them when they leave the battlefield. As a Member of Congress, I carry the responsibility of protecting and caring for our veterans and their families with me each and every day. We must continue to work to improve veteran healthcare, maintain veteran education benefits, and ensure our veterans have the economic opportunities here at home once they transition out of active duty.”
“The freedoms we enjoy as Americans come at a steep price that the men and women of our Military, past and present, have paid for us all.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson