Sunday, September 4, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Honors The 51st Anniversary Of The Voting Rights Act

“Fifty one years ago, President Johnson signed into law one of the greatest guardians of American democracy, the Voting Rights Act. Since the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court three years ago, voters throughout our country have seen more restrictive voting laws. Right here at home in Texas, we have seen the elderly, minorities, and students blatantly disenfranchised by restrictive voter ID laws.” 
  “ We in Congress have a responsibility to ensure our democracy does not take a step backward, and we must start by renewing the Voting Rights Act. Too many people throughout the history of our Nation have given their lives to ensure the right to vote for every American. I join my Democratic colleagues in calling upon House Republican Members to support bipartisan legislation to fully restore the protections of the Voting rights Act. Free and fair elections, where every person’s vote counts, are the foundation our democracy.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson