Friday, March 11, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Played By Cicely Tyson On "House Of Cards"

Cicely Tyson plays Doris Jones, a new character on the popular Netflix series House of Cardsthat is loosely based on U.S. Rep Eddie Bernice Johnson.
In the show, the character of Claire Underwood, played by Dallas native Robin Wright, plans to run for the 30th District seat — represented in Congress by Johnson in the real world — and thinks she can persuade Jones to support her candidacy when Jones retires.
In the real world, Johnson has held the District 30 seat since 1993, when it was created through redistricting. Johnson, now 80, won her 2016 primary in a landslide.
No spoilers here, but the fictional Claire Underwood might learn a lesson from Barbara Caraway, Johnson’s primary opponent in real life. Claire, you’re not getting the endorsement.
And some advice to Miss Tyson: EBJ may be 80, but try keeping up with her. She’s non-stop energy who never shows her frustration over serving on the science and technology committee with people who don’t believe in science. OK, she shows a little frustration. OK, draw it out of her and she has hysterically funny stories about them.
SOURCE: Dallas Voice, David Taffet