Friday, November 20, 2015

Congresswoman Johnson Urges Compassion On Syrian Refugee Crisis

“As a result of horrific terrorist attacks in Paris, France and Beirut, Lebanon last week, many elected officials in the United States are demanding that we stop admitting refugees fleeing Syria. While this rhetoric is disheartening and disappointing, we are facing a global refugee crisis that requires a global response. With 60 million people displaced, the United States must do its part to help protect and resettle vulnerable families and children who are fleeing violence and persecution.
“In Dallas, we have always shown our compassion to those who seek safety. I refuse to slam the door on a small fraction of the world’s Syrian refugees. In fact, 184 Syrian refugees have already been placed in Texas and we will certainly welcome more. While we must continue to ensure that screening procedures are able to properly vet those seeking political asylum in this country. I refuse to turn my back on the children and families who are fleeing the atrocities in their homeland and that is not the answer to defeating terrorism. Instead, we must show compassion by promoting peace and diplomacy.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Source: Dallas Voice