Thursday, October 1, 2015

Congresswoman Johnson Votes To Avoid Government Shutdown

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson voted to pass a 10-week continuing resolution that will keep the federal government funded until December 11, 2015. This stop-gap measure included funding for Planned Parenthood and was supported by all the Democrats in the House of Representatives. Upon the passage of this resolution, Congresswoman Johnson made the following statement:

“While I am pleased that we avoided a complete shutdown of the federal government that would have cost our economy billions of dollars as it did in 2013, these recurring short-term funding measures are not cause for celebration. My Republican colleagues are bracing to put this country through another unnecessary crisis in December. This is unacceptable. We must have a long-term budget solution that allows for all the government agencies, employees, and contractors to continue to work and be compensated for their dedicated service to the citizens of America. The Republican leadership in Congress must stop jumping from man-made crisis to man-made crisis. We are putting our economy and the wellbeing of this country at unnecessary risk. Enough is enough.”

SOURCE: Focus Daily News