Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Congresswoman Johnson Urges Reversal Of Decision On Dallas Urban League

United States Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, who represents the 30th Congressional District of Texas and one of only two African American women in the Texas delegation, issued a strong letter of support for the Urban League of Greater Dallas & North Central Texas. That letter was delivered to the National Urban League which is attempting to “disaffiliate” the Dallas organization.
Rep. Johnson sent a letter last week to Marc Morial, the President and CEO of the National Urban League. Her comments praised the work of the local organization to correct the financial course of the Dallas Urban League, and it expressed confidence in the new administrative and board leadership now in place.
The letter states:
“The disaffiliation of the chapter could have a devastating impact on hundreds of non-profit organizations…..I am confident that the current leadership has the experience and vision to move the organization forward.”
Rep. Johnson’s call for a reversal of the national organization’s decision follows the issuance of a formal appeal sent to the national organization. The process forward is unclear.
“We formally asked for an appeal,” said Terry Woods, President of the Urban League of Greater Dallas & North Central Texas, and now we are awaiting a response to our demand for a fair, thorough process of evaluating all that Dallas has accomplished to turn this organization around. In fact, we discovered the problems that National should have uncovered.”
Woods thanked Rep. Johnson for her letter.

“We live in a period of time when a lot of elected officials won’t take risks,” said Woods. “Our Congresswoman, Eddie Bernice Johnson, personifies leadership, and we are grateful, on behalf of those we serve, for her commitment to the important work we are doing in the Dallas region.”
Source: Dallas Weekley