Monday, July 20, 2015

Congresswoman Johnson Hails Nuclear Deal With Iran

“After years of negotiating, the President announced an historic agreement with Iran regarding its nuclear program. I believe America and its international partners are taking an important first step in the right direction. In doing so, we are expanding the reach of our nation’s diplomatic powers and hopefully, eliminating the spread of nuclear arms. I applaud President Obama’s commitment to diplomacy and peace-building strategies and commend Secretary John Kerry and Secretary Ernest Moniz for their skilled leadership during the negotiations.
As President Obama stated, ‘this deal is not built on trust, it is built on verification.’  We cannot simply accept the words of others to secure the international community's and America's safety. We must receive this verification autonomously by our own methods.
Moving forward, the details of the agreement will undergo intense Congressional scrutiny over the next 60 days. I am hopeful that this deal will prove to advance the security for America and our trusted allies by curbing Iran’s nuclear program, so that we can move toward implementation.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson