Friday, March 20, 2015

Congresswoman Johnson Hosts 23rd Annual Prayer Breakfast

Congresswoman Johnson hosted the annual “30thCongressional District Prayer Breakfast.  The event was well attended with more than 100 guests gathering to experience what has become one of the Congresswoman’s signature events for the last 23 years.
“No life is worth living without the presence of God,” said Congresswoman Johnson as she opened the two-hour event. “These are very trying times in Washington,” she said. “Through them, I have learned the strength of prayer…Thank you for praying for both me and my efforts in Congress.”
The breakfast keynote speaker, Reverend Larry James, the CEO of CitySquare, a Dallas-based non-profit that advocates for those living in poverty, said “all of God’s children are worthy of respect. We must work to improve the social conditions that some of our fellow citizens confront each and every day.”
Central to Congresswoman Johnson’s mission is “a devotion to solving problems that many people face, and enriching the lives of all people,” said Reverend James. “I have voted for her in each election, and I will continue to vote for and support her efforts, because she has the best interests of those she serves at heart.”
“We are a nation governed by a constitution that recognizes the equality of people of all religions,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “In our country, and certainly in District 30, all people are welcome regardless of their religious background.”
The prayer breakfast also featured student performers from the surrounding area, cellist, Iris Holister from Southern Methodist University’s Seminary School and Claude Alexander III, a performance dancer from the Dallas Black Dance Theater.