Friday, February 20, 2015

Congresswoman Johnson Hosts United States Trade Representative Michael Froman

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson hosted U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, the chief official in President Obama’s cabinet for trade policy, in Dallas to showcase Texas’s standing as the state that exports the most Made-in-America goods in the United States.
Congresswoman Johnson, Ambassador Froman, and Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings toured Mary Kay Manufacturing to highlight the impact of global trade on local and state economics. In 2013, Texas exported $279.5 billion of Made-in-America goods to the world, supporting over an estimated 1.1 million jobs.  The metropolitan area of Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington alone exported $27.6 billion of Made-in-America goods to the world, making it the country’s 9th largest metropolitan exporter.
“Texas is the number one state in the country when it comes to exports,” said U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman. “And those exports, like the products manufactured here by Mary Kay, are estimated to support over a million jobs.”
Congresswoman Johnson also hosted a trade roundtable featuring Ambassador Froman at the Dallas Regional Chamber in order to bring stakeholders to the table to discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. “Our economy here in Dallas depends on trade,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “As TPP and T-TIP negotiations continue, my goal today was to provide local union and Chamber of Commerce leaders with the opportunity to discuss trade provisions with the U.S. Trade Representative.”