Saturday, January 24, 2015

Congresswoman Johnson Comments On President Obama's State Of The Union Address

On “America’s College Promise Proposal:”
“I support President Obama and the “America’s College Promise Proposal.” As the cost of a four-year degree rises, it is becoming increasingly more difficult for all students to seek higher education in a formidable and economical manner. This new initiative grants those who believe college is not an option, an opportunity to grow one step closer to reaching their goals in higher education without a significant monetary cost.  Whether previous deterrents were related to economic, social, or academic reasons the new proposal grants interested students the ability to benefit from higher education. Through the introduction of this new proposal, the hope is that they are compelled to continue on to a four-year institution.”
On Affordable Homeownership:
“While homeownership in the United States is recovering, more must be done to build a robust and fair housing system that promotes the American Dream of owning a home. While it is true that our housing market is rebounding, home values are rising and home sales are increasing we must continue to strive for more. The goal should be restoring the true value of homeownership and to rebuild communities hit hardest by the foreclosure crisis.”
On Raising the Minimum Wage:
“The President’s remarks during this evening’s address highlighted growing issues with America’s existing Minimum Wage. As it stands today, minimum wage earners are not positioned to sustain a livable income. I agree with the President. This is not acceptable, one cannot live on $15,000 or less a year, as policymakers we must be proactive in changing it. However, in order to implement and sustain these needed changes for the future, it is imperative that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle be open to working together to create a version of America where all citizens can achieve the economic security they deserve.”
On Early Childhood Education:
“Investing in early childhood education is a smart investment for families, communities, and the nation. I support President Obama’s decision to make these investments in the future of our young people.  Early childhood education is a critical piece of the education puzzle that we must all be willing to invest in. No child should be a victim of academic inequality, and it is our duty to ensure that this cycle does not continue. I believe programs proposed by the Obama administration are essential for equalizing education standards amongst all people. Providing an opportunity for every child to begin their education in the best possible environment will result in a brighter future for all children regardless of socio-economic background.”
On Clean Energy Reform:
“The time to ensure American energy independence by investing in clean energy is now. I enthusiastically support the President’s Climate Action Plan to position the United States as the global leader on the critical issue of climate change. We know that the Earth is warming; sea ice is disappearing; glaciers are receding; oceans are acidifying, and we are bearing the brunt of more frequent and severe weather incidents. Evidenced-based science and peer-reviewed research has proven well beyond the point of debate that America must meet the challenges ahead and fulfill our moral obligation to future generations. We must aggressively tackle climate change, invest in robust research and innovation of renewable energy sources. We must also drastically reduce our reliance on foreign oil and fossil fuels. These initiatives are essential to our national security and the health of our shared global community.”
On Tax-Reform Legislation:
“I firmly believe that this Congress needs to enact fiscally sound, long-term tax reform legislation to encourage further growth of our economy. American families and businesses deserve fairness from their tax system and enacting long-term reforms will make this possible. This will help us get our fiscal house in order and restore the chance for everyone to achieve the American Dream.”
On Immigration Reform:
“While the President took action on immigration several weeks ago, I commend his continued push for a comprehensive immigration system. The first lady’s decision to include a DREAMer as one of her honored guests this evening, as well as the President’s Executive Order on immigration are, testaments to the importance this administration places on immigration. We must continue to be proactive on the issue of immigration. Many individuals come to our great nation looking for opportunities of a better life. I believe that we must have a responsible pathway to citizenship for these hardworking individuals, while continuing to protect our borders. This Congress, must come together to create a plan that is truly comprehensive.”
On High-Tech Innovation:
“As the United States continues to become deeply immersed in the culture of high-tech innovation, we must be strategic in preparing the future workforce. I am a strong supporter of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. We must implement educational policy that increases the number of students graduating in STEM fields. Our country has a demand for high-skilled workers, and we must provide the resources our students need to excel in these innovative careers. Our emphasis in STEM subjects must continue in order to ensure that the United States remains competitive on the global stage.”
On Medical Research:
“I agree with the Presidents in his notion to invest federal dollars in our medical research agencies so that they can each perform the vital work that helps us discover causes, treat disease, and find cures. These agencies not only help to save lives, they also provide high-paying jobs that we must keep here in this country.”
On Veterans Issues:
“As a former VA nurse, and the only to serve in Congress, I understand well the unique demands and medical needs that our Nation’s veterans require in terms of patient care. While I am pleased with the progress the VA has been able to achieve since last year’s unspeakable wait time scandals, there is still far too much work to be done. We must continue to be tenacious in ensuring that we keep our promise to the brave men and women that risk their lives abroad to protect our freedoms here at home.”