Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Congresswoman Johnson Calls For Renewal Of Voting Rights For All Americans

"Today marks the first anniversary of the Supreme Court’s destructive and naïve decision to invalidate section four of the Voting Rights Act – the landmark law that protects the most fundamental right in our democracy: the right to vote.

It is our responsibility to do everything in our power to remove obstacles to voting, to ensure every citizen has the right to vote and every vote is counted as cast. 
  • In too many places across the country, we have seen efforts to deny Americans their right to be heard at the ballot box;
  • We cannot tolerate voting discrimination, in any form, anywhere.

We need a VRA for today. It is time for Congress to come together and revise, renew and strengthen the Voting Rights Act.
  • The Senate is moving forward, but the House refuses to act.

The choice is clear: advance the Voting Rights Amendment Act and reaffirm the most basic right in our democracy; or refuse to act, or delay, and enable the darkest forms of discrimination." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson