Friday, November 15, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Named As Conferee To House - Senate Water Resources Conference Committee

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson was one of the 12 Democrats appointed to represent the House of Representatives on the conference committee with the Senate for the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (H.R. 3080).  Congresswoman Johnson was a co-sponsor of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013, which was passed by the House last month with strong bi-partisan support.  The Senate passed its own version of water resources legislation, S. 601, earlier this year. 

“I have supported language in this bill to increase commercial navigation capabilities for Texas’ ports and waterways,” said Congresswoman Johnson.  “As a conferee I will work to bring forth a strong piece of legislation that protects our water resources and boosts economic development through our nation’s ports and waterways.”

Congresswoman Johnson serves as the senior Texas Democrat on the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, which has primary jurisdiction over this legislation. Congresswoman Johnson has a long history of leadership on water resources legislation, having served as Chairwoman of the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee that helped craft and guide the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2007 into law over a presidential veto.  The current version of the legislation contains language championed by Congresswoman Johnson that will increase commercial navigation capabilities for Texas’ ports and waterways.

“As the Co-Chair of the Texas Maritime Caucus and a senior member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Eddie Bernice Johnson has been a forceful advocate for the investments in our water based infrastructure that are critical to boosting our global competitiveness and to creating jobs,” said the Ranking Member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Congressman Nick Rahall. “The conference committee will benefit tremendously from her wealth of experience as the final water resources bill is crafted.”