Sunday, September 22, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Voices Opposition To Cuts In SNAP

On September 19, 2013 Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas asked for and was granted permission to address the United States House of Representative for one minute regarding the Republican proposal to cut in the food stamp program in America.

“Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to the Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act. The GOP’s efforts to cut $40 billion in SNAP benefits over 10 years show how disconnected they are with our most vulnerable citizens; 4 million to 6 million low-income people will be affected by these cuts, including 450,000 residents in Dallas County that are food insecure. Almost 300,000 of them are children. Many of our citizens are already living on the edge of poverty, and these cuts would virtually eliminate the assistance they desperately need.”

“I am deeply troubled by this aggressive agenda to dismantle the SNAP program. It is not just the African American or Hispanic populations who receive these benefits. It is the working class, the elderly, the children, and the disabled. Cutting this program would be devastating to millions of Americans who are working hard to provide for their families. I urge my colleagues to oppose this bill and support our neediest citizens”, said Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (source: Congressional Record.

Congresswoman Johnson is a current member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and has been since being elected in 1992. She is also the highest ranking Texan on this committee.

Congresswoman Johnson also presently serves on the Aviation Subcommittee, Highways and Transit Subcommittee and Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee.
She is also an outspoken advocate for the poor in America.
