Friday, July 19, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Explains The Benefits Of The Affordable Care Act For The 30th Congressional District

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has announced a new analysis that shows that her constituents are already benefiting from the Affordable Care Act.  This analysis comes on the heels of the 38th vote by Republicans in the House of Representatives to repeal the protections and reforms of the health care law.

“Over the past three years, my constituents have already been seeing lower costs and better coverage,” said Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson. “Instead of working together to ensure there is a smooth implementation process of the Affordable Care Act, House Republicans are continuing their efforts to repeal and undermine the law.”

The new analysis shows that the health care law has already provided the following benefits to my constituents:

·         Coverage for 10,100 additional young adults.  The health care law requires health insurers to permit parents to retain coverage for their children until their 26th birthday.  Because of this provision, 10,100 young adults in my congressional district have already gained health care coverage.

·         Lower drug costs for 3,900 seniors.  The health care law is providing major savings in drug costs for seniors in the Medicare Part D ‘donut hole.’  Because of this provision, 3,900 seniors in my congressional district have received prescription drug discounts worth $5.6 million, an average discount of $620 per person in 2011, $720 in 2012, and $770 thus far in 2013.

·         Free preventive services for 77,000 seniors.  Since 2011, the health care law provides free Medicare coverage of preventive services, such as mammograms and colonoscopies.  As a result, 77,000 seniors in my congressional district are now eligible for Medicare preventive services without any co-pays, coinsurance or deductible. 

·         Free preventive services for 124,000 individuals in private plans.  Since September 2010, the health care law also provides, for those enrolled in most private plans, free coverage of preventive services.  As a result, 124,000 individuals in private plans – including 26,000 children and 54,000 women – now have health insurance that covers preventive services without any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductible.

·         Savings in premiums for 113,000 individuals. 113,000 individuals in the district have saved on their premiums due to ACA provisions that prevent insurers from spending more than 20% of their premiums on profits and administrative overhead.  Because of these protections, over 31,800 consumers in the district received approximately $4.5 million in insurance company rebates in 2012 and 2011 – an average rebate of $95 per family in 2012 and $187 per family in 2011.

·         Protection for up to 48,000 children with pre-existing conditions.  Since September 2010, the health care law has prohibited insurers from denying coverage to children for having a pre-existing health condition.  Because of this provision, up to 48,000 children with pre-existing conditions in my congressional district are being protected from denial of coverage.    

·         Elimination of lifetime limits on coverage for 150,000 residents.  Since September 2010, the health care law has prohibited insurers from placing a lifetime limit on coverage.  As a result, in my congressional district, 150,000 individuals no longer have a lifetime limit imposed on their coverage, and beginning in 2014, will not face an annual limit on coverage.

·         Access to quality, affordable coverage for 204,000 uninsured individuals.  Beginning in 2014, millions of uninsured Americans will gain access to quality, affordable health coverage, through the new Marketplaces and the expansion of Medicaid, under the health care law.  In my district, 23,000 individuals who lack health insurance will have access to quality, affordable coverage without fear of discrimination or higher rates because of a preexisting health condition.