Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Congresswoman Johnson Supports Congressional Black Caucus Budget For Fiscal Year 2014

Congresswoman Johnson released the following statement on the Congressional Black Caucus Alternative Budget for Fiscal Year 2014:

“The Republican Members of Congress have produced a budget that would jeopardize seniors, families, and those most vulnerable.  The CBC budget protects these interests while addressing the fiscal future of our country,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “We know that tough decisions must be made regarding the deficit, but we do not believe that cutting the services that families need the most is the solution.”

The CBC Alternative Budget, Pro-Growth. Pro-People. Pro-America., would abolish the sequestration cuts, in addition to reducing the deficit.  The CBC budget focuses on creating jobs, strengthening vital programs, increasing economic opportunity for poverty-stricken communities, and ensuring continued investment in education, workforce development, and infrastructure.

Congresswoman Johnson noted, “In this budget we also propose additional funding for investments in science and technology.  These investments are critical to the development of new technologies, innovations, and will ensure that America remains globally competitive.  The impacts of sequestration on the Nation’s R&D enterprise will only be made worse if the Ryan Budget plan were enacted into law.   The additional deep cuts to non-defense discretionary budgets proposed in the Ryan Budget would do severe and long-lasting damage to America’s ability to innovate and create the highly-skilled jobs of the future.  The CBC believes that we can and should do better.”