Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Congresswoman Johnson Commemorates The 11th Anniversary Of 9/11

Today, Members of Congress gathered on the steps of the Capitol in remembrance of the victims of the  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Congresswoman Johnson released the following statement in recognition of 9/11:

“Eleven years ago today, America was forever changed.  Today, we pause to remember the thousands of people who lost their lives and the loved ones who are still impacted by the devastating terrorist attacks on our Nation. We come together to reflect on their memory and the memory of the brave first responders who sacrificed their lives’ to save their fellow Americans.

This day is never easy and eleven times we have recognized this day in reflection and remembrance of the nearly 3,000 innocent lives lost. We are deeply indebted to the members of our Armed Forces who stand ready to protect us from future terrorist attacks.

The strength of the American people has never been tested so greatly, yet our perseverance and resolve has never been greater. We must always continue to honor the lives lost and the families affected.  9/11 will always remain in our hearts and in our prayers.”