Saturday, April 7, 2012

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson Receives The Endorsement Of The Texas AFL-CIO

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has won the much coveted endorsement of the Texas AFL-CIO.

The Texas AFL-CIO is a state federation of labor unions representing 220,000 members in North Texas. Texas AFL_CIO affiliates are Texas AFT, Communication Workers of America, American Federation of Government Employees, United Steel Workers, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, United Auto Workers, Transport Workers Union, International; Association of Machinists and United Transportation Union.

Congresswoman Johnson has been a strong ally of the American worker and American jobs. She has fought for the rights of workers and their families and has been a steadfast advocate on their behalf throughout her many years of public service.

In response to the AFL_CIO endorsement Congresswoman Johnson said "I am very honored to have received this very important endorsement, and will continue to fight for the rights of America's workers at every opportunity."