Saturday, December 10, 2011

Congresswoman Johnson & Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Discuss Programs And Initatives With Local Dallas Labor leaders.

Congresswoman Johnson hosted Labor Secretary Hilda Solis in video teleconference w/ local Dallas Labor leaders. Secretary Solis discussed the Obama Administration’s efforts, programs, and initiatives that are aiming to keep labor unions strong and continue to allow workers a seat at the table.

Joining Congresswoman Johnson and Secretary Solis were: Carlos Marroquin, Dallas Area Director, SEIU; Romero Munoz, President, UAW; Rod Cuevas, Organizer/Assistant Business Representative, Teamsters Local 745; Herb Keener, Chief Steward, CWA Local 6215; Felipe Mendez, Secretary-Treasurer, UFCW Local 540; Yared Wonde, President, APWU Local 732

Throughout her career in public service Congresswoman Johnson has been an outspoken advocate for American workers and American jobs. As a leader in Congress she continues to champion workers rights to organize and to collective bargaining.