Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Introduces Bi Partisan Nuclear Research & Development Bill

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson is joined by her colleagues on the House Committee On Science Space & Technology in introducing the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (H.R. 431).

“I am very pleased to once again co-sponsor the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act. This legislation would accelerate the development of advanced nuclear energy technologies that are safer, less expensive, more efficient, and produce less waste than the current generation of nuclear reactors. Nuclear power currently plays a pivotal role in providing our country with reliable energy. As a nation, nuclear energy produces about 20 percent of our total electric power, and it provides 9 percent of the electricity generated in the great state of Texas – all with essentially no greenhouse gas emissions. This bill will ensure that innovators at our national labs, universities, and in the private sector have the tools they need for nuclear energy to play a key role in enabling our nation’s clean energy future.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Warns Of 2.6 Million Jobs Lost If The Affordable Care Act Is Repealed

new study by the Commonwealth Fund and Milken Institute of Public Health at George Washington University found that repeal of the Affordable Care Act would cost Texas 174,700 jobs and 2.6 million jobs nationwide in 2019.
The report debunks the idea that the ACA has been a job killer.
“These losses would not be limited to hospitals, clinics, and patients; they would have widespread repercussions for businesses and workers as well, affecting multiple sectors of each state’s economy,” the report says.
A third of the jobs lost would be in the healthcare sector, but other losses would be in construction and real estate, retail, finance and insurance and public employment.
In addition, the number of people without health insurance would double.
“We in Congress must be mindful of not only the thousands in our districts, but the millions across the country, who are at risk of losing health coverage,” Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson said after reviewing the report. “A repeal of the healthcare law would put millions of jobs under attack. Repealing the ACA is dangerous and a threat to our community and our nation’s economic growth. After the years it took to dig this country out of recession that followed the 2008 housing collapse, why would we do something to put our citizens, our economy, and our country’s future at risk again.”
Gross State Product in Texas would also decline. Repeal of the ACA would result in the loss of $107.4 million in gross state product in Texas from 2019 to 2023 and the loss of $2.7 million in state and local taxes in Texas from 2019 to 2023.
In addition, a heavy burden would be placed on counties like Dallas that have public hospitals as the number of uninsured patients increased. Parkland Hospital’s costs not covered by insurance are paid by Dallas County residents through property taxes that must balance the Dallas County Hospital District’s budget. Although a number of patients from surrounding counties also access Parkland services, Dallas can’t recover those costs from those counties, so Dallas County residents are stuck with those expenses as well.
“I am committed and will continue to work to ensure that the ACA stays in place, despite the uproar and support Republicans have put forth to dismantle it,” Johnson said.
SOURCE: Dallas Voice

Congresswoman Johnson Applauds Passage In House Of Weather Research & Forecasting Innovation Act

Congresswoman Johnson applauds passage of  H.R. 353the Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017, under suspension of the rules.
If enacted, H.R. 353 will improve weather research at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration by advancing programs and activities that will make critical investments in the nation’s observational, computing, and modeling capabilities in support of more accurate, timely, and effective weather warnings and forecasts.
“The National Weather Service and the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research at NOAA play a central role in protecting the lives and property of every American.
“The bill before us today will help accelerate innovation, and turn cutting-edge weather research into essential weather forecasting tools and products; tools which forecasters can then use to protect American lives.
“The legislation removes barriers that exist between the weather research community, our nation’s forecasters, and the private-sector weather enterprise. Improving collaboration and cooperation within NOAA, and also between the agency and the broader weather community, will impact the accuracy and timing of our weather predictions. These improvements will ultimately save lives and make our communities safer.
“Strengthening our resilience to severe weather events is both vital and necessary to strengthen our nation’s economic security.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Congresswoman Johnson Urges Action To Save Health Care On National Day Of Action

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson released the following statement in support of the nationwide movement of rallies “Our First Stand.” These rallies are in protest of the Republican’s decision to repeal the Affordable Care Act. 
“Today, people are mobilizing in support of the Affordable Care Act, to attend “Our First Stand: Save Health Care” rallies and events aimed at protesting Republican efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act,” said Congresswoman Johnson.  “Many of the events will feature everyday citizens whose lives have been saved due to their health coverage under the ACA, doctors, nurses, and local community activists who are in support of the ACA and would like to educate member in their community on how they can get involved in fighting to keep health insurance available and affordable to everyone.”
“The Affordable Care Act is under attack by the Republican-controlled Congress. They intend to follow through on their threats to ram through a budget bill that will severely undermine the health care needs of the American people. Yet, over the past six years, Americans have not only gained reliable coverage, they have also seen an end to lifetime limits, received free preventive care, have been allowed to keep their health coverage on their parent’s plan until the age of 26, and are no longer discriminated against for pre-existing conditions. It is unconscionable to me that the Republicans refuse to look at the provisions that do work in this law and have instead decided to move forward with repealing and have no replacement plan in place.”
“There’s a young man, named Sean, from my district whose story is relatable to many in our nation and pushes me to fight for health care to remain affordable. According to the nonpartisan Urban Institute, nearly 30 million Americans like Sean, a PhD candidate in economic development at the University of Texas-Dallas, could lose their health coverage. Sean and his wife, Jamie, relied on the Affordable Care Act when their son, Navin, was born prematurely and with a heart defect that required surgery and a transfer to another Dallas hospital. Sean was reassured that with his family’s ACA Marketplace plan, his newborn son would not be denied coverage for lifesaving treatment. There are other families who have experienced a child born with a health defect and are at ease when they know their child’s surgery or treatment will covered because of their insurance with under the ACA.”
“Repealing the Affordable Care Act would also have stark effects on the substance use disorders and mental health provisions in the 21st Century Cures Act, a bill that passed on a bipartisan basis and was signed by President Obama in December.”
“We in Congress must be mindful of not only the thousands in our districts, but the millions across the country who are at risk of losing health coverage. I encourage everyone to listen to the stories of those who have been impacted by the ACA and contact your Members of Congress to express your support. I will continue to listen to the stories and concerns of everyone so we can find solutions rather than taking away health coverage from millions of people here in Texas and across the country.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Friday, January 13, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Reflects On President Obama's Legacy

“In his eight years serving as President of the United States, President Obama will be remembered as a visionary of hope and one who has been relentless in his efforts to represent and protect the rights of people from different backgrounds.
“His legacy will reflect his characteristics of strength, courage, hope and leadership in rising above some of the darkest days our nation has seen; while confronted with domestic and international conflicts attempted to divide us in our values as Americans. Thanks to President Obama job creation has increased and the unemployment rate is the lowest it has ever been in nearly a decade. To further increase job creation the President placed a strong value on community colleges and programs that offered skill-based certifications, so they could be competitive in the job market due to technological advancements. His support of free and fair trade has been remarkable and vital to our district which serves as a major area for businesses and enterprise.
“President Obama will be remembered for his leadership on health care, passing the Affordable Care Act – covering 20 million Americans, without the barriers of pre-existing conditions and lowered the costs of prescription drugs and provides preventive services. Those also in our country who have a mental illness or struggle with an opioid addiction will benefit from the President’s most recent efforts to expand services, access to treatment and funding in research by signing the 21st Century Cures Act.
“Thanks to President Obama’s integrity and intellectualism he has been a role model for our youth. His creation of My Brother’s Keeper promotes a pathway to success for boys and young men of color by identifying programs that will mentor and educate these individuals on how to build a better life for themselves and their families while being involved in their communities. Additionally because of his strong beliefs on protecting the validity of scientific research in order to combat climate change, he showed the value to our youth by placing an emphasis on the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) industry. The President pushed for an investment in STEM research in our public schools and encouraged diverse candidates from underrepresented communities to apply for jobs in those fields. President Obama was also the first president to host an annual science fair at the White House for students in grades K-12 celebrating their experimentations and ingenuity.  
“I am honored and thankful to have worked in Congress with President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on legislation that has advanced economic opportunities for Texans and our nation. On behalf of the people in the 30th district of Texas, I join in thanking President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden for their service and upmost respect they have shown to the White House while serving as our leaders.
“In the President’s speech he reminded us and expanded on the idea of hope for the American values that we cherish and gave us strength to go forward and unite in finding ways to protect our democracy. Let us take part in his call of action to do as such.” - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Congresswoman Johnson Applauds Passage Of America Competes Act Reauthorization

“I am pleased to support passage of S. 3084, which represents a bipartisan, bicameral agreement to update and expand on parts of the America Competes Act, first enacted in 2007 and reauthorized in 2010.
“I did not always believe we would arrive at this agreement. The partisan and widely criticized House-passed version of an America Competes Act Reauthorization (H.R. 1806) was miles apart from the widely supported bipartisan Senate bill. The version of S. 3084 before us today represents what we can achieve when all parties agree to listen to each other, and perhaps more importantly, to the experts in the agencies and the stakeholder communities.
“This bill is not a Competes reauthorization in every sense, so I believe it’s appropriate that it has a different title, the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act (AICA). AICA, unlike Competes, does not contain any recommended funding levels, and I believe that is a missed opportunity to send a signal to U.S. scientists and the world about how much we value and need a vibrant U.S. science and technology enterprise. This bill also does not include important manufacturing programs at the Department of Commerce that were included in earlier version of the Senate bill, or provisions for the Office of Science at the Department of Energy that were in the original Competes bills.
“However, even with those reservations about what is not in the bill, I think we can all celebrate the many good provisions that are in the bill. We came to agreement on fair and reasonable accountability and transparency provisions for the National Science Foundation, appropriately exercising our oversight responsibilities while being thoughtful about unintended consequences. S. 3084 includes important updates to the Networking and Information Technology R&D (NITRD) program, something we’ve been trying to do for years. The bill also addresses many of the administrative burdens on research and researchers that we can all agree reduce the efficiency of our limited research dollars without effectively increasing accountability. S. 3084 includes a bill authored by Rep. Don Beyer to remove unnecessary barriers to agencies’ ability to develop and run prize competitions for important science and technology challenges. The bill, thanks in part to the long-term support of Rep. Dan Lipinski, also codifies NSF’s very successful I-Corps program. S. 3084 also incorporates a bill authored by Rep. Paul Tonko to authorize and encourage the use of citizen science and crowd sourcing projects at science agencies. The bill clarifies and strengthens NIST’s essential role as the federal leader in standards development. There are also many good STEM education and training provisions in this bill, reinforcing the very important role of our world-leading science agencies in contributing to science literacy and to a skilled STEM workforce for the jobs of tomorrow, and indeed today. Those are just a few highlights of the many good provisions in the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act.
“I want to thank Chairman Smith, Chairman Thune, Ranking Member Nelson, Senators Gardner and Peters, and the many other Members in the House and Senate who contributed their good ideas to the bill.”

Congresswoman Johnson Applauds Signing Of The 21st Century Cures Act

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) attended the signing of the 21st Century Cures Act by President Barack Obama at the White House. The bill was passed with bipartisan support from the Senate and House of Representatives. She applauded the signing of the Cures Act and is grateful for the support of the mental health advocates who encouraged her to continue fighting for mental health reform.
“The 21st Century Cures Act is a step forward for biomedical research and will spur innovation to discover new treatments and cures,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “I am so proud to see much of the framework of the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act enacted into law today. As we finally address the opioid crisis that has overtaken many of our communities, I am hopeful that the funding for treatment and resources available through the 21st Century Cures Act will be sufficient.”
Congresswoman Johnson vigorously reiterated her commitment on this issue. “I am honored to see this group of colleagues from both sides of the aisle come together on the issues of biomedical research, innovation, mental health reform, and opioid abuse treatment. Because of our efforts and the support of  advocates across the country, we were able to pass legislation that will benefit millions of people in our nation. This is a pathway to further protect people in our communities who battle  mental illness, addiction, chronic disease, and rare diseases. I remain persistent in my commitment to be a voice for those who seek treatment, cures, and solutions.”