Monday, August 29, 2016

Congresswoman Johnson Speaks Out Against Donald Trump's Dangerous Rhetoric

"This Election Day, America faces a simple choice between two individuals. While Donald Trump and his employees were busy denying apartments to minority applicants, Hillary Clinton was fighting to desegregate schools so that all students, no matter their ethnicity, had an equal opportunity to a quality education. While Donald Trump questions the motives of a federally appointed judge due to their ethnicity; Hillary and I promote the idea of diversifying professions where minorities are underrepresented. And while Donald Trump has the nerve to propose a religious ideological test for individuals wishing to enter the United States; Citizens across this country including Secretary Clinton and myself believe that immigrants can contribute to move our country forward, regardless of their religion.

Over the past thirty years, I have come to know Secretary Clinton and have had the opportunity to work with her on a range of issues such as civil rights, health care, immigration, and environmental protection. She has a long track record of demonstrated leadership on many issues and is hands down the most qualified candidate to ever seek the presidency. Her hard work and list of accomplishments speak for themselves. For these reasons, I am proud to endorse Secretary Clinton for President.

Simply put, Donald Trump fails to exemplify anything that makes America great; instead, he promotes the same hateful rhetoric of white supremacists and right-wing extremists. Secretary Clinton on the other hand provides us an opportunity to build on the hard work of President Obama and continue to make this country greater. As a diverse nation we can and should only go forward Please join me in supporting Hillary Clinton for President." - Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson