Friday, July 22, 2011

Eddie Bernice Johnson - Cyber Security Enhancement Act

House Committee OK's Cyber Security Enhancement Act (Gov Info

The Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2011 - legislation aimed to boost cybersecurity education, research and development - unanimously passed the House Science, Space and Technology Committee on Thursday (Congresswoman Johnson is the committee's Ranking Member). Debate by the full House could come after the August recess. If enacted, HR 2096 would require increased coordination and prioritization of federal cybersecurity R&D activities and the development and advancement of cybersecurity technical standards. The measure also would strengthen cybersecurity education and talent development and industry partnership initiatives.


Eddie Bernice Johnson - Downtown Dallas Streetcar Project

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson announced the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) will award DART an additional $3 million for the Downtown Dallas Streetcar Project. The funds will be administered from Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program established under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, which awarded the project $23 million in 2010.

The Downtown Dallas Streetcar project develops a streetcar line that originates in Downtown Dallas at Harwood and Main Street, and continues down Main Street to Houston Street through the largest job center in the North Texas area.
The Dallas Downtown Streetcar project was originally selected because it aligned well with the Department’s TIGER selection criteria of livability, economic competitiveness, and sustainability. The project increases livability by improving transit options and linking walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods with employment centers throughout the region. The project encourages the use of energy-efficient transit options rather than less fuel-efficient modes of transportation. The project also increases economic competitiveness by enhancing the ability of the downtown area to attract transit-oriented development. In addition, it provides sustainability for future riders.

“I am very happy to announce the Dallas Downtown Streetcar project will receive an additional $3 million from the Federal Transit Administration in order to build a passing track on the originally planned streetcar line that will improve service to riders,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “These funds will be added to the original 2010 federal investment of $23 million from ARRA for this project that will provide streetcar service from Union Station in Downtown Dallas to Oak Cliff.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Eddie Bernice Johnson - The Clean Water Act and The National Flood Insurance Program

Dear Friends,

This week, my colleagues in Congress have been busy voting on a number of important bills. However, some of these bills are hindering to our progress as a nation. Congress should be working on legislation that will reduce our deficit without sacrificing everything we have worked hard for.

Energy and Water

In particular, there were two significant bills I was against this week about the standards of water quality. The passage of the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011 means all water quality authority would be transferred from the EPA to the states. I voted against this bill because it is unacceptable that the EPA would be powerless to ensure nationwide water quality standards. I have repeatedly voted against this bill since it was presented before the Technology and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment. This bill not only undermines the EPA’s authority as a federal agency but will reverse any advancements we have made in public health so far. We need to thinking towards the future, not looking backwards.

The second piece of legislation was the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill for the 2012 fiscal year. This bill drastically cuts development for renewable energy, nuclear nonproliferation efforts, and High Speed Intercity Rail. Legislation that reduces funding for research and development for new technology only hurts our country from having a competitive edge. That’s why when discussing the bill, I supported a motion to allocate $7 million to protect the nation’s electricity grid from terrorist or hackers. Unfortunately, the republicans voted against allocating sufficient funds to defending our vulnerable electricity grid. Once again, the republicans are impeding necessary progress.

National Flood Insurance Program

Despite party lines, last week Congress really came together for an extremely important bill. The National Flood Insurance Reform Act was overwhelmingly supported by both sides of the aisle as well as the City of Dallas, the Obama Administration, environmental organizations, insurance organizations and taxpayer advocacy groups. It was imperative this bill pass because it allows for citizens, insurance companies and local government to more time when dealing with the extreme amount of flooding. For example, just one of the time extensions is allowing FEMA to suspend mandatory flood insurance requirements for areas behind decertified levees that are being improved, constructed or reconstructed. This is especially important to the 30th district because Dallas has been working diligently to improve many levees before FEMA finalizes their new maps designating flood hazard areas where flood insurance is mandatory.

We need to keep moving forward without conceding what we have already achieved. I believe we can produce effective legislation that will reduce the deficit while at the same time upholding America’s standards.

Sincerely your Congresswoman,

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Congresswoman Johnson announces that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in conjunction with NeighborWorks America has launched the Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program (EHLP) to help homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure in Texas.

The Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program (EHLP) can provide eligible homeowners with a 0% interest, forgivable loan that pays past-due mortgage payments (principal, interest, taxes, insurance, attorney fees), as well as a portion of the homeowner’s mortgage payment for up to 24 consecutive months, or up to $50,000, whichever comes first, and provided that certain eligibility requirements are maintained.

“Curtailing the number of foreclosures nationally is essential to getting our economy back on track. The Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program will help homeowners, who have fallen on hard economic times, stay in their homes,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “This assistance is not only economically beneficial, but morally important. We cannot simply sit back and watch millions of American families lose their homes. I commend our former Democratic-leadership for authorizing this program last year, and thank President Obama for his continued support of economically struggling families.”

The EHLP program will pay a portion of an approved applicant’s monthly mortgage including missed mortgage payments or past due charges including principal, interest, taxes, insurances, and attorney fees. Nationally, EHLP is expected to aid up to 30,000 distressed borrowers, with an average loan of approximately $35,000.

Congresswoman Johnson voted in favor of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to implement the Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program (EHLP). The program will assist homeowners who have experienced a reduction in income and are at risk of foreclosure due to involuntary unemployment and underemployment due to economic conditions or a medical condition. HUD has allocated $135,418,959 to fund this emergency loan program in Texas.

Read more at Dallas South News

Friday, July 15, 2011

Eddie Bernice Johnson - NASA and America's Future In Space

This week, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a hearing entitled, “A Review of NASA’s Space Launch System.” The purpose of the hearing was for the NASA Administrator to explain why the agency has failed to reach a decision on the architecture for the Space Launch System.

Science Democrats Urge Administration To Let NASA Get On With Developing the Nation's Future Human S

Monday, July 11, 2011

Eddie Bernice Johnson - Debt Ceiling Update

Dear Friends:

The August 2nd deadline is rapidly approaching. We have only 21 days to produce a solution. Our country needs a long-term fix rather than a shortcut. If Congress fails to reach an agreement on raising the debt ceiling, it will cripple our economy, halt our recovery and end up costing taxpayers more in the long-run.

I agree with financial analysts and experts who say that raising the debt ceiling is necessary to ensure our fiscal stability. Republicans and Democrats should be working together to give our country a stronger economy. However, republican leadership has yet to give any real attention to this issue. The only bill they brought to the floor was voted down because they urged all their members to vote against it. In these times of economic uncertainty, there is no place for games.

Raising the debt limit doesn’t mean authorizing new spending. I am committed, as is every member of Congress, to reducing the national debt. However, raising the debt limit only allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that both Congress and presidents have made in the past. The republicans are not taking these consequences seriously. Our economic recovery is not a joke and should be taken seriously.

If a compromise is not agreed upon in 21 days, investors will be less likely to lend to this country. The federal government would not be solely affected. Defaulting on our loans would mean the cost of borrowing for families, businesses and local governments would increase. In addition to interest rates for municipal bonds, mortgages and loans for cars, students and business would increase.

Both democrats and republicans share responsibility for ensuring the nation’s bills are paid. I stand ready to work with all of my colleagues to meet our obligations and put forward a productive plan to reduce the deficit.

Sincerely your Congresswoman,

read more here at the Dallas South News

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Eddie Bernice Johnson - Texas Voting Rights

Dear Friends:

Independence Day is time to celebrate our freedom. We must honor those who have fought and continue to fight for our right of free speech, our right to bear arms and most importantly our right to vote.

However, Republicans in over 35 states have proposed legislation to limit the amount of people eligible to vote in 2012 by requiring each voter to present identification including a photo. Unfortunately Governor Perry signed into law on May 27th this expensive piece of legislation even though the fiscal note does not allocate funds to adequately reach the most effected populations.

Republicans are slashing necessary programs like Medicare but continue to enact laws that deny citizens rights guaranteed by the constitution. Indiana was the first state to require photo identification and in last four years has spent over $10 million on providing identification cards. However, funds for the free identification cards have not been designated in the legislation Texas passed.

Now that the bill has already been signed, my main concern is to prepare the community to implement all the requirements for voting. A week ago in Dallas, I hosted a meeting with community leaders from all over the 30th district. Some of the organizations that attended the meeting were The Urban League of Greater Dallas, The Deaf Action Center, Oak Cliff Community Development Corporation, Progressive Center of Texas, League of Women Voters and The Senior Source. I invited these organizations and several churches to be a part of a coalition to implement the best strategies to ensure every citizen is able to exercise their right to vote.

These attempts to reduce “voter fraud” are just excuses to keep the elderly, the youth, low-income and minority populations from voicing their opinion.

Sincerely your Congresswoman,